Do or drink pt1*

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Summary: A little game night with Joe sounded like a good idea, but when the dares get a little risky, it's impossible to resist Joe

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Summary: A little game night with Joe sounded like a good idea, but when the dares get a little risky, it's impossible to resist Joe.

Warning: this fic contains smut!!

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Joe and I were currently downstairs. I was sitting down on the couch opening up a new box of cards called 'Do or Drink,' and putting the different colored cards on the coffee table in front of me. My legs were curled up onto the couch and when I set the last cards down on the table, I looked back at Joe to see him pouring us some Vodka behind our bar. Per my request, he added other things to the drinks so they weren't as strong. I wanted to feel the alcohol a little bit, but I didn't want to get drunk, especially because I knew this game would be fun. I watched as Joe poured the vodka into each of our glasses before setting it back down on the counter. After he picked up the cap and began to twist it on the bottle, he looked up at me and we made contact. I was leaning over the couch and couldn't keep a straight face.

My man was so hot and Joe knew it. He knew that every time we made eye contact, I couldn't stop my cheeks from flushing red. He truly knew that he was a hot person too and that confidence only made him hotter. "Joey hurry, I'm getting excited." I said with a smile as joe poured other things into the drink and started to mix it with a metal mixer. "Okay, okay, it's done." Joe said and picked both of them up. While he made his way over to me, I turned back around and started to read the directions over again. The game was simple. You pick up a card, read the little dare on it, which could range from PG-13 to very, very, inappropriate, and either choose to do the dare or take a shot. Instead of taking shots, Joe and I decided to just take a sip of alcohol because we didn't want to get drunk too fast, depending on how long this game went on for.

I looked up at Joe as he sat down right next to me and set down our drinks. I picked up mine and brought it closer to me before rubbing my hands together. "I really hope this is fun." I laughed a little bit and picked up a card. "Trust me, it will." Joe chuckled as he rubbed his hands together and sat back on the couch, starting to manspread. I flipped the card and read it out loud. "Call your ex and tell them you want to get back together. Do this, take two shots, or quit playing." I said and shook my head, going to grab my drink. "Damn, that was fast." Joe laughed and watched as I took a hearty sip of alcohol. I set it back down and watched as Joe picked up his. "I don't even know where that dick is now." I laughed a little bit. Joe flipped over his card and chuckled to himself a little bit, putting his hand over his mouth slightly.

"Oh my gosh what is it?" I asked. Joe continued to laugh before he took a deep breath and composed himself. "Open your front door and yell at the top of your lungs," Joe started to say but continued to laugh. I started to laugh at how much Joe was struggling to get whatever it was out, so I leaned over to read it myself. Joe Angled the card towards me and I started to laugh even more. "I love Anal. No way." We both laughed. While laughing, Joe leaned forwards and grabbed his drink. "Can you imagine if someone heard?" I laughed. Joe took a big sip and then set his drink down. "Yeah. Latest news on Joe burrow, Cincinnati Bengals QB, he apparently loves anal." Joe said, pretending to read a news article about himself. "Hey, you might get more male fans." I laughed.

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