I will wait however long it takes

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I reached into my pocket and grabbed my dorm room key as I got closer to my room which I shared with my best friend. Ever since we were kids, we knew we wanted to be roommates since we were inseparable since we first met each other. As a kid, my parents always wanted me to follow my heart and do what I loved and would be happy doing for the rest of my life, and when I told them that I wanted to go to Ohio State for Civil engineering...well, let's just say they were a little worried.

Don't get me wrong, I am smart. I was valedictorian at my high school and always worked my ass off for everything, but my dad was an engineer so he knew how hard schooling was. Still, no matter how hard it was, I never gave up, but that seemed like the better option as I opened up the door to my dorm room, physically and mentally exhausted after my first day back from winter break. At least I only had one semester left of this before I could graduate and find my dream job.

Once I walked in and shut the door, I let out a loud groan as I dropped my book bag next to my bed and then practically collapsed onto my bed. "Fuck this." I said to myself while laughing at how tired I was. For the past few weeks, all I could do was remind myself that it was almost over. All of the hours I spent studying every single day and all of the tears were about to pay off.

In just a few short months, I would get to graduate and move in with my boyfriend who has been by my side through everything. Who is my boyfriend, you may ask? Only the quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals. When we met my freshman year and his sophomore year of college, it was anything but love at first sight. To say we disliked each other was an understatement. I had just gotten my heart broken by what I thought was the love of my life and the person I was supposed to marry, and I was not looking to make any male friends at all for at least a year or two.

When Joe first saw me, he hated me. Unbeknownst to me at the time, he thought I was some stuck up girl who thought she was better than everyone else. Unbeknownst to him at the time was that I didn't want anything to do with him because I just got my heart broken. We went that whole first semester as 'enemy's,' but we always saw each other since my best friend was dating his best friend at the time, which meant every time there was a party or a study group for a class we all had together, Joe was right there along with them.

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