You look adorable when you're sleepy

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Warning: none I think

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Warning: none I think

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Joe and I were cuddled up on the couch watching The Notebook. Today was Valentine's Day and every single Valentine's Day we watched The Notebook. It started when we started dating in high school, and now at 25 years old, it is still our ritual. For the entire day leading up to our special movie night, Joe bought me flowers and took me on a little picnic to our favorite little secluded spot in Cincinnati, which was the same place he proposed to me a few months ago.

I was laying there with my head on Joes chest, our legs tangled together so much that I couldn't quite make out which ones were mine through the outline of them under the blanket. The only lights that gave the room such a beautiful and calming glow were from the candles Joe placed around the living room for our movie night. On the side of Joe were two bowls. One was filled with popcorn and was for me since Joe doesn't like popcorn, and in the other bowl held some candies and sweets that were for the both of us.

The room was so dark that I could barely keep my eyes open and was fighting sleep. Were about half way through the movie and for most of it, my eyes felt so incredibly heavy. The room was so dark, only being lit by the sporadic candles around the room, and being in Joes arms didn't help one bit. While I rested my head on his chest, one of his hands was around me and drawing shapes into the bare skin of my hip and the other was grabbing some candy and popping them into his mouth every now and then.

My eyes were shut for about two minutes before sleep almost over took me. I groaned a little bit, trying to fight it, and reached over to grab some more candy, hoping the sugar would keep me awake. From above me, Joe started chuckling at how tired I was and how much I was struggling not to go to sleep. I lifted my head up to look at him and started laughing with him. "I keep almost falling asleep." I said. "I know, I've been watching you. Do you want to finish this movie tomorrow? It will still count since we started it today." Joe said.

I shook my head and placed it back on his chest, continuing to watch the movie, although I've missed so much of it because my eyes have been accidentally closed for a lot of it. "No, we have to finish watching it. It's our tradition." I said and popped another piece of candy in my mouth. "Alright, Whatever you say baby." Joe chuckled, knowing exactly what the outcome would be: me not being able to fight sleep any longer and passing out, just like almost every movie night we have.

With Joe's free hand, he placed it on top of my head and gently and slowly started rubbing my head and combing his fingers through my hair. I smiled a little bit at the feeling and sighed. "That feels good, Don't stop." I hummed, nuzzling my head against Joes chest. Usually him playing with my hair always kept me wide awake because I wanted to feel it forever, but even him doing that wasn't enough, because my eyes were still so heavy.

With a sigh, I let my eyes shut, hoping it would just be for a few seconds, but I realized if I kept them shut for any longer, I would surely fall asleep. With another groan, I reached up and opened up my eyes with my fingers so I would stop closing them. "This is terrible." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. I wanted to stay awake so badly, but it felt impossible. "Well on the plus side, you look adorable when you're sleepy." Joe said.

All of a sudden, he put his phone in front of my face and instead of seeing his usual Lock Screen, I saw a picture of me sleeping and I had some chocolate on my face. "No way, take that off." I laughed while quickly looking up at him and wiping off my mouth with my sleeve, shifting so I wasn't really laying down anymore. "Ooh, that worked." Joe said with that gorgeous smirk. With a scowl, I reached for his phone but he quickly extended his arm away from me so I couldn't reach it. "You dick." I said, unable to hold back my laugh as I sat up more and reached for his phone, but he kept moving it away from me or switching hands.

"Too slow." Joe said when he moved it away from me quickly. I glared at him and then acted all sad as a joke. Joe knew it was still a joke but he was still distracted, so I took advantage of that and reached up and snatched his phone from his hand. "Hey." Joe laughed and tried to take it back, not expecting me to grab it from him. I quickly crawled away from him and to the other side of the couch and started typing in his password. "Come back here." Joe laughed and tried to reach for me. Once I was far enough away, I put in his password and was just about to change his wallpaper when he grabbed me under the armpits and drug me towards him. With a small scream, giggled spewed out of me and I accidentally dropped his phone. "No! Let me go!" I screamed.

Laughter filled the room as he set me down on his lap and started tickling me. "Hey!" I giggled. I fidgeted and tried to get away from him, but he wouldn't stop tickling me. "Now do you feel awake?" Joe laughed. "Yes, I'm awake, I'm awake. I promise. I won't fall back asleep." I begged, trying to get him to stop tickling me. Very slowly, Joe stopped tickling me after making sure I wasn't going to fall asleep anymore. The both of us were still laughing while we started to go back to where we were originally at.

When Joe got situated under the blanket again, he lifted it up and I scooted under it and placed my head back on his chest. For the first time during the entire movie, I was actually awake. After a few seconds, Joe put his phone back in front of my face and I saw the same picture that had been on his Lock Screen since we've been together. It was us on our first date when we went ice skating. We were both so incredibly young and looked the same yet so different. Granted, Joe did gain a lot more muscle and grew his hair out since then. "Better?" He asked me. "Much. I love you, Joey." I said with a smile and glanced up at him. Joe leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. "I love you more baby." He said.

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