My world

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"Mommy when can we see daddy?" Wesley asked from the back seat of the car. I looked in the rear view mirror at our three year old son who was playing with his tiger stuffed animal that Joe got him when he was born. I couldn't help but smile while looking at him and his adorable brown curly hair and blue eyes. He was the definition of perfect. Since the sun was starting to peak out some more, I took my sunglasses off of the top of my head and put them on so I could see better. "We'll be able to see daddy in about five minutes, does that sound like a plan?" I asked Wesley before I turned on my turning signal and got into the turning lane. After two cars passed and there was enough space to safely turn, I turned into the parking lot of the outdoor practice field.

After Wesley felt us turning left, he instantly perked up a little bit and as soon as he saw where we were, his face lit up and he held his stuffed animal up in the air. "Yay! We're here Who Dey!" Wesley yelled to the tiger stuffed animal who he named Who Dey. Let's just say he spends a lot of time around a bunch of screaming fans every Sunday so he hears that phrase a lot. With a small laugh, I pulled into a parking spot that was closer to the fields so we had a shorter walk. "Are you ready?" I asked after putting the car in park and turning around to face Wesley. "I am weddy!" He yelled with a huge smile on his face.

With a laugh, I stepped out of the car and then went into the back seat where I grabbed my bag with some snacks and some more toys in it along with a blanket that we could sit on. Since it's hard to see Joe during training camp, we usually stay for a few hours every time we come to visit him, so to keep Wesley constantly preoccupied and happy, I have to bring a variety of different things. For instance, the Christmas present that I got him last year that he has shown no interest in, but just in case he asks for it, I have it for him. Or the snack he says he hates every time I offer it to him but will probably ask for in a few minutes. I always tried to be prepared when it comes to him since he can be very unpredictable.

After grabbing the bag, I closed the door and then walked over to the other side of the car to get Wesley out of his car seat. When I opened the door, Wesley was swinging his legs back and forth, itching to get out of his car seat and move his legs around, so I quickly threw the bag over my shoulder and worked on his seat belts. "When I take you out of the car, what do you need to do?" I asked him, trying to see if he would remember what Joe and I always tell him whenever we go places. "Stay with mommy or daddy...uhhh...hold your hand in a pawking lot." Wesley said in more of a question tone, not knowing if he was saying the right things or not. "Very good, Wesley. See, I told you that you would pick it up quickly," I said, honestly surprised that he remembered so well this time and didn't need assistance, "alright let's get you out of the car now." I said and picked him up under the arms and slowly lifted him out of the car seat and then placed him on the ground.

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