A new addition pt2

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Combined request: "Is there any way you'd be able to write a second part of them just bonding with Noa and the team meeting Noa?"

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Combined request: "Is there any way you'd be able to write a second part of them just bonding with Noa and the team meeting Noa?"

Warning: angst and some talk of sex

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I would be lying if I said bringing a newborn home from the hospital was easy, because it's not. It has been the most amazing thing bonding with her and watching Joe become a dad to our precious little girl, but it's exhausting as well. Most nights, Joe and I only get a few hours of sleep because if I'm not feeding her, one of us is changing her diaper or walking the halls with her to try and calm her down when she starts to cry. On the plus side, it's already been a week since we brought our little Noa home and none of us are dead yet, so there's that...although sometimes it feels like I might when she wakes us up.

I walked down the steps very carefully, clinging onto the staircase as I focused on every single step. My body was starting to feel so much better, but those few days after giving birth were the worst and it hurt so much to stand up, so I was still walking around like I would break any second, and Joe was too. Whenever I would stand up, he wouldn't take his eyes off of me, and he usually was right by my side when I walked up and down the stairs. Typical Joe.

Joe was easy on the eyes but even more beautiful on the inside. To say that he has been absolutely amazing would be the understatement of the century. During feedings, he's right there with me, making sure that if I'm not sleeping, he's not sleeping. Everything has been a lot easier because of him and I make sure to thank him everyday for it.

Once I got downstairs, I yawned while walking over to the couch. As soon as Joe heard me, he looked up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and that amazing pearly white smile. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Joe asked me. I laughed a little bit and walked past him and gently sat down on the couch next to him. "Tired." I said and looked down at little Noa as she slept soundly in his arms. She was absolutely perfect. She had the most amazing blue eyes, just like Joe and the cutest nose in the entire world that looked exactly like Joe's. She was like his spitting image.

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