chapter 1 // moving back

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// test tubes pov //

me fan and bot sit on the grass cloud gazing. sure this place was nice and all but I do miss our friends back at hotel oj right now. which is good because yesterday me and fan decided were going back!! and obviously bots coming too. they do seem a little nervous but they have me and fan of course. we were going back in approximately 1 week!! I smile to myself thinking about it.

time skip of them arriving at hotel OJ

we step into hotel oj and instantly see salt and paper bickering about oj. we walk up to the front counter and me and fan got our rooms. fan was still with paintbrush and I was alone. so bot will stay in my room since there will be 2 beds. me and bot walk up to our room thats on the 3d floor and go inside. we lay on the beds. and I sigh. "sorry bot, but its been a long day I think I'm gonna go to bed" I say with a slight smile sighing. bot nods

"oh! well, ok!!" they smile pulling out an art book amd sitting down. I lay down slowly drifting asleep losing my consciousness.

// fans pov //

I look over to see paintbrush. and honestly I might aswell make a little bit of conversation with them. "hey paintbrush!! how you doin??" I ask smiling.

"I've been good!! well good other then missing lightbulb- I mean, I haven't seen her for 6 years.." they go on about lightbulb and I nod trying my best to litsen.

a few minutes later after paintbrush goes downstairs leaving me alone in our room. I look over to a picture of me and test tube and smile. she's a really good friend!! I gasp realizing I haven't posted on my blog recently and I go to grab my phone but realize I have test tubes. oh...?? she must have mine- ill just go up to get mine and return hers.

I walk up to test tubes room and I open the door. I look inside and see test tube sleeping. she has a light snore I never noticed before. I look over to bot whos sketching something. "oh bot!! what are you drawing??" I ask with curiosity.

they show a drawing of me, test tube, and themself all holding hands and butterflies all around us!! "i love it!!" I say patting bot on the head lightly. they smile. thank goodness it wasn't a fursona.. trust me... I've been down that rabbit hole before.. its all freddy fazebears fault... HE MADE ME A FURRY. i can't let bot go threw those dark times... I then go over to grab my phone. and putting test tubes down. she never uses her phone TO much so no wonder she didn't notice it was mine. I look over to test tube who looks nervous?? maybe a bad dream? no... definitely not bad.. who knows

I exit their room and head to mine. I yawn. surprised I'm even tierd at the hour to be honest. I check my phone and its 1 am. oh shit I should probably sleep. I run back down to my room slaming open the door and leaping onto my bed. I'm not going to bed JUST yet. I gotta read some documents about ii first. I hide under my blanket and around 2 hours later I pass out slowly.

// test tubes pov //

i found myself within my own laboratory, the same one I used to work in all the time before season 3. surrounded by the grotesque results of my failed experiments. I sigh. I really need to step up my game if I wanna become I truly good scientist. I hear a voice from behind me. its fan!! "oh gee!! hi fan what are you doing here??" I smile with a light blush creeping throughout my cheeks

"I have a new idea for an experiment!! what if we tryd to make gummy bears come to life!! they could even sing the gummy bear song!!" fan laughs to himself thinking about real living gummy bears. to be honest.. i wouldn't expect myself to think its a good idea but... I feel my face heat up. it was suggested by FAN.. so its worth a shot.. awile later me and fan finsih making a living gummy bear and before it says anything it explodes. we both look at each other in pure shock.

I wake up and realize I was only dreaming. golly... why do I always dream like that about me and fan.. its almost as if i felt a romantic connection to him.. wait.. do i-?!? no! dont be silly hes just a very good friend. I sigh shaking away that thought very quickly. I get up looking at the time. 10 am?!?!?! I slept in!! I panic rushing downstairs oh my golly gracious how did I sleep in so late?? I normal get up around 7-8 am!! I make it downstairs and rush over to fan who's playing a video game with bot. I sigh, sitting down next to them. "what are you two playing??" I ask them.

"roblox!! well specifically adopt me" fan smiles.

"ohh" I say having no idea what that is. I look over to his screen and he's..?? scaming people of there pets-??.. ok then..

a few hours have past and I realize I haven't talked to anyone yet. I decide to go look for old objects I knew, yet.. I never really had many friends.. I let out a weird chuckle that went something like 'hyeuk-hyeuk-hyeuk'. I try to talk to people but they all don't seem to exactly want to talk to me.. I mean I don't exactly want to talk to them either. I just don't have anything better to be doing.. well actually!! I do have better stuff to be doing! like science!! I ran out the door and over to the vending machine. Typing in the code and getting sucked in. gracefully landing on my feet. I walk over to my desk and start writing down experiments I could do, even some stuff I could look further into!! as I write down my notes I start to think about fan. wait- I really need to focus... why on earth do I keep thinking about him!?!?! I get that he's my best friend but seriously... this is getting out of hand.. I sigh In annoyance. how am I supposed to get ANYTHING done?!

(a/n: sorry this chapter lacks good plot I swear ill work on chapter 2 asap!! also im SO sorry if I miss characterized anyone im trying my best... plus really bad writers block.. pls spare me 🙏🙏)

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