chapter 2 // dont be silly!!

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// test tubes pov //

i try to focus and jot down some more ideas as fan fluded my brain. UGH. how can I get anything at ALL done like this?!.. I sigh hitting my pen onto the table aggressively, putting my hands on my head in annoyance. think test tube, think, think, THINK. I cannot work like this. I need to do something about it.. 5 minutes go by and I still can't get rid of the constant thoughts no matter what I do. I decide to get up and go talk to lightbulb since she's probably outside somewere. and I have no one else to really talk to about this stuff..

I walk around for awhile untell I see her, baseball, knife, and suitcase. all just kinda doing there own thing. I run over to lightbulb. "hey lightbulb-!! its been awhile!" I say in a casual way.

"heya tube!!" lightbulb says in her usual happy go lucky tone, pointing finger guns at me.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd have advice on something-??" I ask hesitantly.

"I MIGHT have the answer for you! whats up??" she watches me waiting for a response.

"well.. I geuss you probably wouldn't know it but uhm...- I cant stop thinking about fan.. like- at ALL.. it getting in the way of my day to day activities!!" I huff.

"so like... you have a crush on him??" she asks tilting her head.

I chuckle. "don't be silly!" I say confidently with my finger in the air, I can FEEL lightbulbs annoyed expression. I turn around and walk away. . . . . right..?

// bots pov //

me and fan play adopt me for a few hours untell suddenly an announcement came on the speakers.

"attention everyone! if you see paper please report it to the front desk. thanks." oj speaks threw the speaker. I don't really know oj all that well. and I haven't even MET paper. I sigh thinking to myself I miss it back at home. but I geuss this IS home now.

// no ones pov //

a week or so later. test tube and fan were working on a project together in test tubes lab. they shared a bond that went beyond the average friendship. test tube found herself in a state of denial about her growing feelings for fan, her bestest friend ever. as they worked hard on the project test tube couldn't help but notice the way fans laughter filled the room, how his presence brought a sense of comfort and familiarity that she had never experienced before. despite the subtle things fan did that made test tube feel all warm. she pushed away any thoughts of romance, convincing herself that all that was there was friendship. friendship was too precious to risk losing. she buried her emotions deep within, afraid to acknowledge the undeniable connection that drew her closer to fan with each passing day.

// test tubes pov //

me and fan work hard together. its nice. it makes me feel so warm.. in a way. wait. huh? why would it do that.. what am i thinking?! I shake away the thought. fan tries to reach for something thats passed me, making my shoulders bumb. I blush and jolt away in surprise accidentally knocking everything on the table onto the ground. stuff was spilt everywhere and the project was RUINED. I instantly start picking stuff up panicked. fan quickly joined me in cleaning up the mess.

"what was that about-??" fan asks in confusion and concern.

"i- uh- I don't know-" I say just as confused as him. I sigh "but now we have to start over.." I stated clearly annoyed with the mess I've created.

"thats ok!! trial and error" fan smiles at me making me smile in return. I really do love him. I ER- UH- as a best friend! ahahahaha- JUST. a friend!! a platonic friend. nothing more nothing less.. hahaha.. im test tube!! I don't even need romantic relationships!! WHY AM I THINKING MORE ABOUT THIS...

"uhhh- you ok test tube...??" fan asks CLEARLY concerned.

"HUH? OH YEA NO IM OK-" I say quickly raising fans suspicion but he doesn't question it.

later that day me and fan finally finish cleaning it all up and decide we should just take a break for now and spend some time together. I have a bedroom in the lab with activities so we go in there.

"how about we play Mario kart??" I suggest.

"YES. by the way im very good at Mario kart sooo.... just a heads up. you will probably lose... I mean your going against ME-" fan says confidently running over to the bed and sitting on it.

"uh huh sure" we both sit on the bed and start playing. around 5 rounds later. fan flops backward in defeat as i won three times and fan won twice.

"HOW... I PLAY IT ALL THE TIME HOW ARE YOU DOING BETTER THEN ME.." fan starts to aggressively shake and I giggle. patting him on the back.

"fan- its JUST a game" I say with a halfy teasing expression, still giggling to myself.

he sighs dramatically. "well, I say we play something else" he huffs.

"sure!! uhh the multi-player games I have are, animal crossing, super smash bros, moving out, minecraft, and cuphead!!" I say letting fan choose.

"hmmm..." he thinks for a moment then looks at the clock. "10 PM-?!?! HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN HERE..." he says shocked by the time. I think for a moment

"proably awhile- if you want we can just sleep here. I mean there's only one bed but we're close so I don't think it matters to much-" I smile.

"sure!!" fan says with a big toothy grin. I smile and we lay down trying to go to sleep untell we hear a loud crashing sound from my main room in the lab, I quickly jump up and run over to see what it could be and fan follows behind me. I look into the room to see- HUH-?!?

(a/n: yall these chapters are VERY rushed... so err... yea... if I NEED to I can always go back later and make them better..)

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