chapter 4 // plan

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disclaimer: I used a weel spin for any of the "ships" in this. I do not ship ANY of these characters (other then fantube ofc) also there will be an uncanon character but they'll be permanently gone after the chapter.

// test tubes pov //

it landed on.. uhm.. trophy..!! uhm ewh.. remind me WHY I decided to let fan drag me to do this?? the look on trophys face says enough about his opinion on this is.. I swear ill never forgive myself from playing this..

"uhm? I'm not fucking kissing that THING?!?" trophy stated angrily. it wasn't hurtful. he's quite ugly himself. I mean whatttt?? who said that..

"dude thats how you play the game!!" nickel cackled.

everyone starts to bicker and fan quickly drags me out of the circle and over to bot as we all run out the room. thank GOD he did.. I didn't wanna kiss that.. man..???

"phew-" fan lets out a long sigh with his hands on his knees.

"thanks for that- but also why-??" I question not knowing WHY he dragged me out of there. he looks around nervously and just kinda shrugs. hmm... oh wel- OH HOLY SHIT-. I look over to fan who's on the ground-..? being stepped on. BY AN... UNKNOWN PERSON?? I DONT KNOW WHO THAT IS THE FUCK??? FROM THEIR LOOKS IT LOOKS LIKE THIER NAME WOULD BE SOMETHING LIKE STAR..? IM NOT SURE..

"oh- uhm my bad!!" they said nervously. quickly stepping off of fan.

"OW...??? THAT HURT...???" fan saying getting up frowning and crossing his arms. "WHO EVEN ARE YOU....????" he huffs.

"my name is starypuff! the star! someone made a wish on me and I've come to grant it!" they exclaim proudly. before grabbing fan and running over down the hall and into the WOMANS bathroom.

me and bot stare in utter shocked at what had just happened. before I speak up.

"WHA- HEY GET BACK HERE." I run after them in a painc. as I rush into the room I see starypuff placing fan down next to microphone fan looks over confused before getting pushed over by starypuff.

// fans pov //

starypuff pushes me over to mic. I quickly push starypuff off me. what the fuck was she doing..??

"oh uhm hey??.. who are you??? and whyd you bring fan here.. this is the woman's rest room.." mic says her face flushing with confusion. she looks over at me then back.

"oh! you had wished for someone to help with date advice!!" she beams.

"so you... brought... fan." she says with an annoyed face.

"uhhh... yes! you werent specific about who you wanted it from ahahaha-" she scratches her head.

I look over and see test tube run over with an angry look on her face. she finally gets over here and pushes starypuff to the ground making her explode into a pink mist. I sigh.

"ok then...." I look over to mic. "sorry but I don't have ANY advice I have no experience with that..

"nah don't worry!!" she does the thumbs up and me and test tube walk out.

"test tube can I come back to your lab tonight-?? im tierd. bot can sleep in the spare room inside there-" I say rubing my face.

"of course you can fan." test tube smiles. "I've never really liked hotel OJ anyways." she chuckles to herself.

I smile and hug her tightly. she's honestly such a good friend to me..

// test tubes //

we walk to my lab. honestly.. fan looks really cut- WHAT. ugh... I need to stop this.. I really do like him dont I... sigh.. fan proably wouldn't like me the same. besides I wouldn't want it to ruin anything between us. I mean we AREEE super close after all. its not that I'm some small shy object whos to scared to tell people anything. I just don't think that it would benefit me at all. in fact- maybe ruin stuff.. ill give it time who knows I might just stop liking him. it'll be for the best.

"test tube?? you ok- your just kinda staring into space with a very serious expression..-" fan says worriedly. SHIT GEUSS I WAS THINKING FOR TO LONG-

"SORRY YEA- I'm ok-" I say in a panicked tone, smiling to him.

"i- uhh- ok-!!" fan smiles trying not to question me. I sigh as we finally get back to my lab. I open the door for fan and we walk in. heading over to the bedroom. as we hurry to sit on the bed fan bumps my shoulder lightly. I feel my face heat up. I- uh- keep it cool holy moly test tube. . . AAAARGH. I need to do something about this... oh I know!! I'll ask lightbulb and paintbrush to help!! they should know what to do!! I hope..

me and fan do average sleepover rotund and finally go to sleep.

time skip till later next day

I walk down and over to lightbulb. this is my only chance. she gotta help..

"lightbulb can I ask i HUGE favor...???" I plead.

"ya sure can test tube!! whats up??" she asks point finger guns.

"ok so... you were right I DO like fa-" I start but get cut off.

"yes I know you like fan... please get to the point.." she was looking at me with a unusual face- eh.

"o- ok so- would you and paintbrush PLEASE help me confess??? or if not help me do something to try and numb my feelings???" I ask with my hands clasped toghter infront of my mouth.

"oh!!! well duh of COURSE." she jumps up and drags me to a more private area were no one could hear us, even if I screamed till my throat burned. but that isn't important!! "okok soooo!!~ do you have ANY idea how you wanna tell him or??..."

"I do not..." I say rubing the back if my head with a slight guilty smile.

"i- ok.. UHHHH.. lemme call painty!!" she says smiling while grabbing her phone. and calling them.

I really hope this turns out well.. I don't know what I'd do without fan.. he's like.. my everything..

lightbulb hangs up and says that paintbrush is on their way, I hope they have something to help..

finally paintbrush arrives and lightbulb rushes over to hug them. I geuss they haven't seen each other in awhile..

"so uhh im not really an expert on this kind of stuff but like.." paintbrush crosses their arms

(a/n: ME FINALLY POSTING???? REAL?? also I actually have a few plans for the next few chapters so I think I'll post the next one soon)

tiny inconvenience // fantube Where stories live. Discover now