chapter 6 // missing piece

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// test tubes pov //

I watch as fan struggles to speak, as he clearly doesn't know what to say. he opens his mouth like he's about to say something, yet nothing seems to come out. I exhale, it was filled with sorrow.
I cant belive I've ruined our friendship over this.

"test tube i-" he stares intensly at the ground, not really knowing what to say. a few seconds go by untell he finally speaks up once more.

"im sorry I need to process this." he said in a slightly bitter tone, more confused in a way. before slowly stepping back then fully walking away. it hurt. it hurt so bad. its hard to breath. I cant think. i- I ruined everything..

I start to silently sob, hitting the ground and hugging my knees. I don't like this. I don't like it one bit. all because of a stupid crush. I should've kept quite.

I slowly stand up and start heading to were lightbulb would be, seeing her and running over. she sees my face all red and puffy, sge looks down at me with concerned.

"I take it he said no...? or were you crying out of happiness? cus I can tell you if its the first one-" she spoke.

"yea uhm no it wasn't necessarily a no, it was a 'I need time to process this.' with a perplexed expression." I sigh. I don't think there's any hope left.

"omga uhm... hey it isn't a no!!!" she says in a nervous but hopeful tone.

"I geuss your right.." I say before we hug for awhile, I sort of just melt into her shoulder. it's nice, I haven't had anyone other then fan care this much for me in awhile.

time passes and I go back to my lab. I head to my bed and lay there with a terrible feeling in my stomach.

when will this day of torture end..

// bots pov //

fan comes in through the door and he just plops on his bed. not saying anything. is he ok..??

"fan??..." I say in a worried tone. he perks up a little and let's out a deep breath.

"yea bot??" he says to me in a not genuinely joyful voice.

"what happened??" I ask. im really worried for him.

"oh nothing much!! test tube just told me something!! not important though-" he sits up and smiles.

"ah.. I see" I nod and go off to do something else. I won't bug him, if he doesn't wanna tell me thats fine.

// fans pov //

i don't get it. she likes me?? I dont see her that way.. atleast i really really dont think I do.. I feel terrible for just leaving. I really shouldn't have- I probably made her feel like shit.

I sigh grabbing my blanket and pulling it over me. I'll just sleep over it. I might be able to think better in the morning.

I slowly drift asleep.

// test tubes pov //

its been a week. but, he still hasn't responded to any calls or texts. I've even knocked on his door a few times. I've really messed up. bots been staying with me because aperantly fans been very unactive, like he's been thinking very hard about something. probably what I had told him that night. honestly,  he could ATLEAST respond to my texts.

ugh this is so agrivaiting.. fan was one of the only people who kept me sane and he hasn't talked to me in a week.

"jeebweezer.." I mumbled under my breath. standing up from my desk and heading out of my lab. he's roommates with paintbrush right? I'll get paintbrush to let me in.

I look for paintbrush, I'm not sure were to look for them so I'm sort of mindlessly wondering about. I finally see paintbrush in the distance and hurry over.

"hey paintbrush!! do you think you could let me into your and fans room?? fan hasn't talked to me in forever.." I plead.

"wait- why hasn't he??... oh.. did it not go well? I'm so sorry-" paintbrush looks at me with a sorry expression.

"oh- well yea it didnt but.. he didn't say NO, he just has ghosted me since." I pause before speaking up again.

"so can you let me in??" I plead once more hoping they'll say yes.

"sorry... I wish I could help but I also do respect fans boundaries.." they say awkwardly.

"ohh... I get that I geuss.. well if you hear anything from fan please let my know." I say before walking off.

this really will be hard.. what will I do without him.. he's like the other half of me!! he's basically my missing peice. if that makes ANY sense-... it probably doesn't. I find a spot to sit by myself, making sure its away from everyone. I sit on the ground watching to birds pick for worms in the soft wet grass.

life as a bird would be nice. actually, in a more logical sense.. no, it wouldn't. yea being an object sucks but.. every animal has its struggles. you know... that in mind, maybe I should move on... no. no I can't move on. fans... FAN. you can't just expect me to move on because he said he needed time to process then start ghosting me...!!! he will come when he's ready. till then though, I'll definitely try and do some stuff to pass the time. I make my way over to my lab. the suns starting to set anyways. I need to check on bot and make sure their ok. their my kid after all. I enter my lab and hear silence.

"bot??" I called out. no response, so I gently open the door..

oh their sleeping.. i sigh in relief. I'd be devastated if something happened. any sane parent would! I walk over to bot, tucking them in.

"goodnight bot. sleep well" I say quitly before hugging them and going to my own bed. letting my heavy eyes close, as I drift asleep.

(a/n: WOAH NO CLIFFHANGER???? rare for me ik.... ALSO PLS DONT STOP READING BECAUSE ITS ONE SIDED... I unfortunately can't say whats gonna happen so you gotta just bare with me here 😿)

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