chapter 5 // telling him

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// test tubes pov//

"so uhh im not really an expert on this kind of stuff but like.. im sure anything you'd do fan would say yes, have you SEEN the way he looks at you??" paintbrush acclaimed, crossing their arms.

"well... I don't KNOW that paintbrush. I most definitely need to be sure it'll work." I say sighing deeply as rest my cheek on my hand. I must make this perfect. for him. he deserves anything and everything. he desrves the world.

"well- we could maybe set something nice up!!" lightbulb chirps, pating my shoulder excitedly. I really REEEEAAAALLY hope this works out.. like I genuinely don't know what I would do if it didn't work out. I don't know what I would do without fan at all..

"ok sooooo!! let's come up with some ideas!!" lightbulb adds happily clapping.

"like a really big brainstorm?" I ask.

"yea! that! you down?" she smiles with her thumbs in the air while grabbing lots of paper and pencils.

about 3 hours later after

I look at all the ideas before me. hmm... what one would he be most likely to say yes to... I stare at them for a bit. then I discuss with paintbrush and lightbulb what would be best, slowly putting off more and more ideas getting to the last one. the one that'll HOLEFULLY be perfect.

// fans pov //

I look over to bot whos playing their little kid piano. I kinda wish I had a little paino.. looks fun. anywhooo I wonder what test tubes doing! I dial her number and wait for a response. a minute passes and it just goes to voice mail. what was she doing that makes her not be able to pick up my call?? she ALWAYS seems to answer.. whats different right now?? I hope I didn't do anything wrong.. ill just ask next time I see her i geuss..

I sigh and get up to go play with bot, because they ARE still a kid.. they need parental care. I walk over to bot whos working on one of the word searches test tube gave them.

"what have you got so far??" I ask because they don't circle what they have to make it harder so I have no way of knowing.

"oh! I only have butterfly, field, and egg!!" they say happily. I smile in return, sitting next to them. they are really growing up fast. I geuss I wasn't expecting it to happen so quick but hey, I'm glad that they have been doing well!! I mean they have to parents that aren't toghter but I mean me and test tube are just friends so it would be kinda silly if we were toghter!! we don't like each other like that.

"oooo want any help??" I ask with a big smile. I don't really know how to bond with them, so this would be nice.

"sure!!" they beam staring at the word search.

time passes as we slowly get the words, I get a call from test tube. oh so she isn't mad?? I hope. she means so much to me. she's my best friend. bot looks at me signaling for me to answer, so I pick up.

"hello?" I speak hesitantly into my phone.

"hi fan sorry I didn't answer earlier I was busy with something important. but I need you to meet me by the water I have somthing to tell you." I hear her muffled voice say from the other side of the phone.

"oh! uhhh alright!! I'll be there soon!! just give me a sec" i say in return with a smile. hanging up and making sure I looked acceptable. I'm not sure why, just thought its a good idea to look nice.

I tell bot I'm leaving and head out. I slowly make my way over to the water. there were nice lights everywere and the most beautiful atmosphere.

i see test tube sitting on the dock with something beside her. i go over and sit next to her filled with curiosity.

"hi test tube!!" I beam. "what did you wanna tell me?" I ask hesitantly, tilting me head. she sighs before standing up and making me stand up with her.

// test tubes pov //

I hesitate before speaking up.

"fan. we've been best friends for a long time and I cherish you SO much, you mean absolutely everything to me and I just wanted to say, I like you" I sat with a slight smile on my face, blushing.

"it took me awhile to realize but.. I really do like you!! and, I don't want to make you unhappy or upset. I genuinely want the best for you in anything... thats why I'm asking this. fan, will you be my boyfriend? I'll treat you to the best of my ability and it would make me so happy to be honored enough to be your girlfriend" I look up from the ground and into fans eyes but when I did I felt a pit in my stomach. he looks like he's seen a ghost, he looks CONFUSED. he takes a step back. his face filled with confusion.

"test tube i-" he starts, clearly loss of words. before he starts to stare intensly at the ground. before speaking up once more.

(a/n: i REALLLLLLY wish I could say were this story is going but that ruins the fun 😽 also sorry its short the next chapter will be longer)

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