chapter 3 // paintbrush..

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// fans pov //

i go on my tip toes as i struggle to look over test tubes shoulder to see none other then... WHAT. IS. THAT. its... its... HIDEOUS... oh shit wait its just nickel.. MY BAD.. my goodness hes a scary sight...

"NICKEL?- WHAT- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??..." test tube questions with a concerned look on her face

"oh i uhh... errr... IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I DIDNT MEAN TO COME DOWN HERE" nickel said with a nervous smile. he seemed... reeaaallly suspicious. eh, whatever. test tube sighed

"ok, well... you can go now thanks." test tube raised a brow, ushering nickel to leave before he quickly scurried out of the lab. test tube sighs. "I geuss we can go back to sleep then-" she says with a half asleep confused but also not quite confused expression.

"i- ok-" I say as we walk back to the bed slowly crawling on the bed and under the covers as we slowly drift asleep peacefully.

// test tubes pov  //

I look around the room. hearing a lovely voice. its fan. his voice brings so much harmony in my mind "hey test tube!! I was wondering if you wanted to go stargaze with me??" he smiles. I blush at the thought but shake off that feeling. "sure!!" I reply happily. we grab our stuff and head to a big grassy field. as we get there we lay down a blanket and sit down on it. a little over hour pass by and we've just sorta been pointing out constellations. I keep seeing fan stare at me. so i decide its best to ask. "hey f-"

I cut off my dream as I wake up. I feel something in my bed- I look over to see fan nuzzling into my shoulder. i smile. he honestly looks kind of cute. huh? what? don't be ridiculous.. I sigh looking at the clock. 8:53 am. I just kind of sit there waiting for fan to wake up. I've been having some really weird thoughts about him recently.. its not like I love him, he's my best friend after all. or wait.. shit do I..? no!! I couldn't like fan!! that's impossible!! I smile nervously to myself. seeing as fans slowly waking up. he rustled as he slowly opens his eyes and stares at me for a few seconds.

"oh- goodmorning test tube!!" he says with a weary expression. as he slowly sits up yawning.

"good morning fan!!" I say smiling happily. an hour passes and we leave the lab and get informed that there's a party tonight. I'm not big on party's but ig this would be good to help bot meet people. sigh.. I geuss we should go..

about 9 hours pass and me fan and bot head to the party. as they step through the door I slowly follow behind. the room blared with colorful lights while music was blasting. right now they were playing a party by spoiled lemons. fan started screaming singing the lyrics very soon after entering the room.

// fans pov //

as we talk and hangout for awhile microphone comes up to us.

"hey were gonna play spin the bottle wanna join?? were trying to get alot of people in" she asks. I look over to test tube and she shrugs awkwardly. bot obviously isn't playing but I geuss I don't mind trying it out. what's the worst that can happen?

"sure I geuss so-" I reply hesitantly. doing an akward thumbs up pose.

"ok cool!! its just over here" we walk over to the circle and sit down. after about 5 rounds its my turn. I spin the bottle. its spins for like 10 seconds before it lands on... paintbrush. atleast its my friend rather then someone I hate.. 

"kiss! kiss! kiss!" chant a few people in the circle.

"uhh.." paintbrush awkwardly looks around. with their eyes widened. its clear we didn't want this. i stare awkwardly and crawl over to paintbrush. hesitatently, i kiss them. our lips lock for about 1 second before I quickly break the kiss. I honestly feel kinda uncomfortable but eh it's ok its just a game i geuss.. though that was my first kiss.. disappointing.

"boo!!" says someone i couldn't tell who. did they want us to kiss LONGER...??

// test tubes pov //

I watch as paintbrush and fan kiss. I cant help but be upset.. a bit.. alot.. but why?? do I like paintbrush..? no definitely not. oh.. I like fan dont I..  uhh- uhhhh- hh.. how can I like my BEST FRIEND.. I sigh. actually I'm not sure if I like him.. i could totally just be upset if him and paintbrush start becoming a thing he won't have time for me anymore..?? but seeing him kiss paintbrush makes me wanna combust.. HHHRH.. I swear to GOD-

o its my turn- uhh..

I awkwardly spin the bottle. I wait for it to stop and it lands on- oh uhm ok

(A/N: sorry its short.. but next chapter is gonna be so fun.. ALSO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG IVE HAD REEEALLY BAD WRITERS BLOCK.)

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