chapter 7 // inconveniences

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// test tubes pov //

as I lie on my bed, gazing up at the blank expanse of my ceiling, my mind is consumed with thoughts of fan. a void left by his absence. the weight of him leaving like that presses down on me, suffocating me with a sense of longing and loss. the thought of fan ghosting me after I poured my heart out to him lingers like a bitter taste in my mouth, a reminder of how careless I was to think he'd except my feelings. the silence in the room echoes. the silence of his disappeance amplifying the ache in my chest. frozen in a moment as I wish how I could just take it back and never talk about it again.. ugh... my thoughts get interrupted by bot walking in.

"uhm hey!! I was wondering if we could you know... play a board game or something like that??" they ask politely.

"oh yea sure why not!!" I chuckle getting up. it'll be a nice distraction either way.

"ok!!!" they run over to find a game and I follow behind.

"what are you thinking we play?" I smile as they pull out a game.

"how about jenga??" they point to the game their holding.

me and fan used to play jenga together all the time.. its is favorite none electronic game. UGHHH fan should be the least if my worries right now.

"sure!!" I give a small thumbs up.

"alrighty! let's sit over their!!" they point to a corner of my lab that's empty enough for us to sit.

a few rounds pass and we were having fun, of course. but I just can't seem to get fan off my mind.. why is he invading my brain so much.. I mean yea, I get that I like him alot and he ghosted me but seriously its getting out of hand. it's a major inconvenience in my day to day life and im not taking that lightly. its been awhile I dont understand how I can still be so caught up in all of this!! why cant i just move on?!

bot taps me on my shoulder.

"its your turn!!" they say to me gesturing to the tower.

"oh yea right! golly!! geuss i zoned out" i smile sheepishly, pulling out a block as the tower tumbles onto us.

we laugh for a small moment before we rebuild the tower and do one last round before i go out to buy some stuff from the store. ah- speaking of wich i should talk to bot about that.

"hey bot is there anything youd like me to pick up from the store??" i ask joyfully.

"oh uh yes actually! could you pick up some craft paper?? i wanna make something!!" they smile to themself.

"alright! well i should get going then before its to late. sure you dont want anything else?" i ask.

"yup thats all! thank you though" they respond in a polite tone.


after i get home

"bot!! im home!" i call out. hearing bot run from their room and out to me.

"did you get the craft paper??" they ask happily.

"yup!" i hand it to them.

"thank you so much!!" they run off. i wonder what their doing with that... hmm...  i decide to just go and make dinner. thankfully, sience has my back when it comes to making food! though i try not to go overboard like i did with the nickel situation.. eh-  its ok! i can still make the perfect dinner anyways.

i go into the fridge and grab the correct ingredients. making it in the span of approximately 45 minutes.

"bot!!! come eat dinner!" i call out setting a plate on the table for them.

"OK!!" they quickly rush out of their room and sit down.

a few minutes pass and i realize them with a slightly sad expression.

"hey, something bugging you?? do you not wanna eat that?" i ask in a slightly concerned tone.

"oh no- yea sorta- i mean.. not about the food- i geuss it just really isnt the same without fan around here.. i mean hes my dad? i havent seen him for a good while now! he completely GONE." they sigh.

"ahh.. its quite different without him.. i know you miss him.. trust me, i do too. but im not even sure when we'll see fan again. could be soon, you never know" i softly smile. i really do miss fan though. hes just so important to me..

"alright.." bot rubs their eyes.

hh.. the rooms silence was much more akward then needed. but it is what it is. we both just finish eating then head to bed.

(A/N: im so unhappy with this chapter its so boring but its ok im already halfway done the next chapter so :,3 but once i finish this story ill make a new one and would like ship requests for that ^^ since, id wanna write something that people will actually enjoy lol- ANYWAYS full chapter of one pov + not alot happens.. i hope it isnt too boring lol.. 😽)

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