chapter 8 // realization

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// fans pov //

i find myself perched on the edge of my bed, frozen in place. my mind races, trying to make sense of the words that echoed through my head that night. test tube likes me?? but why.. im nothing special- every corner of the space feels alive with significance as i sit, motionless, absorbing the gravity of the situation. the soft glow of the bedside lamp highlights the intricate details of the room, while the faint hum of the ceiling fan provides a bit of a steady rhythm to my racing thoughts. as I stare into the depths of the room, it's as if time stands still, allowing me to contempate the weight of the words that hang in the air. its been a week since ive even spoken to her.

i mean, who am i suppose to react! im CONFUSED. i dont think i like her yet- the thought of her being happy with someone else makes me feel so HHHHH... maybe i do??.. no no no i COULDNT.

"ugggghhh.." i groan not knowing what to do about this situation. its been roughly 2 weeks since the whole thing happened. i look over to see baxter.

"oh hey buddy!!" i smile as he runs over to the door, making a clapping sound with his claws. (I DONT KNOW WHAT ITS CALLED WHEN CRABS DO THAT 😿) i gasp.

"baxter... im not sure its a goid idea.." i sigh tossing myself backwards onto the bed.

"i have to be SURE of my decision so that i dont do something ill regret!" i huff, crossing my arms as i feel baxter run up to the bed. he stares at me for around second before pinching my arm.

"OW!! WHA- WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?" i sit up and put baxter back on the floor. but yet again, he just runs to the door. i sigh, picking up my phone and looking at it. the wallpaper is me and test tube with egg. god... i really do miss her.. i look up to the roof and back to baxter.

"ya know... maybe i do like test tube. i mean i dont really know for sure but.. i totally could.. " i sigh hugging my knees in my face. ive never been the best at realizing my emotions.

"wait but... even if i DO. I HAVE NO CHANCE ANYMORE!! IVE MESSED IT ALL UP." i grab my pillow and throw it at the door, almost hitting baxter. but he scurries back over to paintbrushes bed.

"uhggghhh im talking to myself again.." i turn off the light and get into my bed again. i toss and turn for what feels like decades, trying to fall asleep but i just cant! i have to talk to test tube. i jump off my bed and run out of my room and to the hotel exit door before stopping.


its raining.. im made of PAPER. UGGGGHHHHHH its fine. its fine! ill just ask oj if he has a spear umbrella. i walk over to the front counter and retrieve an umbrella, instantly running outside and to test tubes lab. i punch in the code droping the umbrella as i get sucked in sliding down not so gracefully, making a loud thump. test tube walks in at the noise and if in shock to see me.

"test tube! i-" i start to speak but get cut off by test tube who now has a stern expression.

"what do you want fan." she says bitterly.

"to talk! we need to talk." i plead, getting up from the ground. test tube sighs.

"outside.. so we dont wake up bot" she says rubbing her face and leading me out.

"wait- its raining-" i say awkwardly. test tube looks extremely erritated at this point.

we end up sitting down and talking for a bit and i try to explain myself the best i can, though test tubes good at holding a grudge.

"test tube??.. what are you doing up so- FAN???" bot looks at me with a slightly happy shocked expression

"wait- hold on." they run into their room and run back out holding something, running over and handing it to me.

"huh?? whats this?" i ask slightly smiling.

(im not gonna proof read this chapter cus im lazy af SO if theres anywords i misspelt really badly dont mind it 😽)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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