Chapter 1: Later than Never

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"You can sit in the front of the class," pointed out the physical education teacher. Emi walks to her seat, and sits on the hard floor.

"Alright class, let's run for 4 ½ minutes(laps)," Said the girl teacher. Everyone got up and got in their spots.

"Emi, you can just sit out for today since you just had surgery," Said the guy teacher. I walk over to the bleachers and sit down. I felt embarrassed for some reason. While everyone was running, something...No... someone caught my eye.

"He kinda looks fine," I say in my head. Just before I knew it, everyone was walking. I walked back to my seat, and waited for the teacher to say something.

"Okay class, we are going outside to play tennis," The guy teacher explained. Everyone starts crowding the door to get outside. I'm the second to last person outside. The guy teacher explains to the class what to do.

"Emi, you can just sit and watch for today," The guy teacher explains. I go to stand by the fence by the court. I started to feel weird, like dizzy, so I sat down. Once Again something...No...someone catches my eye. I didn't know what his name was at the time. After physical education, I looked up the class that we both were in. For some reason, the name "Matthew" caught my eye. I was sure it was him. About lunch time, I caught up with my friends. I asked them who Matthew was and they asked me to point to him, so I pointed to him.

"Ohh he's on our team," Xena said

"I can see that," I said. We get our food and sit at our table.

"So, are you stalking Matthew now?" Xena asks dramatically.

"No, I just thought he was good looking," I said, embarrassed. Day after day, I started liking him more, but not fully. After being at school for a week now, I started hating it because of my physical education teacher. On a Monday, Xena and I came up with a secret nickname for Matthew.

"Why don't you just use the nickname weirdo?" Xena asked.

"Good idea," I reply. So ever since we gave him that nickname, Xena, Zelie, and I called him that. For some reason I started losing feelings after like a month of eighth grade.

"Emi!" Xena yells. I looked around to see who it was. I felt a hand on my shoulder which was warm, and Xena hugged me. I freaked out because physical touch isn't my thing.

"Can I have your green can opener that's on your keychain?" Xena asked while pulling my keychain out of my pocket.

"Hey!" I say loudly. Xena ran off with zelie going to the lunchroom. I finally catch up with them getting food. The lunchroom had monday pizza, which I disliked. After lunch, we usually go out for lunch recess or go to the gym. After that, we get dismissed to our p2/lancer time classes. While we are in p2, we read, then in lancer time we finish our homework. After that, the bell rings, and we get ready to go to our 5th hour. Since my friends and I don't have any classes together, we sometimes see each other in the hallways. In my 5th hour, I have science. Science isn't my greatest subject, but it can be fun. When the teacher talks, students decide to talk over her. She gets really mad at our 5th hour class because we waste time. Around that time, I was talking to a girl named Gabby, and Han asked me a question.

"Emi, you like Koreans, right?" Han asks.

"Um yea?" I replied.

"How did he know?" I ask myself. We go on with our class, and the 6th hour bell rings. I pack my stuff up, and go to my locker to grab my things for my last hour. I start to walk to my last hour, which is all the way at the end of the hallway. Even though it's a little far from my locker, I love my last class. It hits 2:42, and I'm packed up ready to go home. Family, friends, and school students always say I look mean, heartless, ect, but what they don't know is that I hide my emotions from everyone because it's embarrassing to me. Once you get to know me, I'm really sweet, very talkative, and not innocent. I don't like people, I hate physical touch, I hate talking to others that are not my friends or teachers. All these things that I just jotted down is because of family and school drama.

"Emi," Zelie and Xena yelled. I look at both of them.

"HI!" I say. Every morning before first period, I hangout with my friends and talk about funny, shocking, and traumatizing things that happen to me or other people.

"You have a lot of time to write books like you do," My 7th grade teacher said.

"Actually no because I have to babysit, do homework, I have school, I have a pet to take care of," I explain.

"Oh wow, that's a lot of responsibility," My 7th grade teacher said.

"Yea I know," I reply. Knowing that I have three favorite teachers in each grade, isn't very surprising. But 8th grade year had two favorite teachers. One was my English teacher and the other was my American History teacher. Even though I don't like American History, I like the teacher because he makes me laugh like no other guy teacher can. I'm in p2, and the teacher plays a song that I don't understand why she's playing it.

"Why is p2 a thing," I ask in my head. I've always thought people were weird, but they are just unique. I may not talk to others in my school, and they might think I'm crazy or weird, but I care a lot about them even though they don't know me or talk to me. School is like a garden and a jail. Schools are like jails because they have mean teachers/guards and rude students/prisoners. Schools are also like a garden because you learn things that get you further in life. Schools can be bad or good just depending on the students and teachers. I keep getting off track, but school gives you mixed emotions. Students only think of school for fights, lovers/crushes, friends, and rumors. I'd rather be early in class because I learned that being early is on time, and being on time is late.

"Lexi," My sister calls me.

"What?" I replied.

"I don't like your friends," She replies.

"Okay and?" I replied

"You don't mind that I just said that?" My sister asks.

"I also dislike your friends too," I replied.

"Wow," She says walking away. I finish my homework, and get ready for bed for the next day of school.

Troubles of Eight GradeWhere stories live. Discover now