Chapter 2: Eyes don't Lie

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Being in school for the first quarter really sucked. The second quarter arrives, and I find out all my friends have a lover/partner. Mia is dating like three different people. Xena is dating one of Mia's boyfriends. Zelie was dating someone she found on social media. They talk so much about them. I'm just sitting there like "ew no."

"You should date me, so then you won't be single," Mia says.

"Umm no thanks," I say, trying to be nice.

"She's way too obsessed with Asians, she won't date anyone in this school," Zelie says.

"Shush," I reply.

"Well Matthew is Asian," Xena says.

"No, he has a girlfriend," I say. Everyone laughs so hard.

"Y'all are mean," I say. Matthew walks up behind me.

"Could I get anything that you guys don't want?" He asks.

"Sure," I say. I gave him a banana that I wasn't gonna eat. He walks off back to his table with Han, Alic, Austin, and the rest. My friends start to laugh.

"What?" I ask.

"Didn't you know who asked that question?" Xena asked.

"Yea I did," I reply. The assistance principal speaks on the microphone for us to go outside.

"Oh come on, I hate the outside," I say.

"And that's probably why you are very pale in the face," Zelie says.

"Whatever," I say walking outside. On our way outside, the sunlight hits my face, and blinds me. I watch others be ridiculous. The others are throwing shoes, jumping on others, yelling, ect. The whistle is blown, and we all start to crowd the door going inside to get to class.

"Matthew!" Xena yells. Matthew looks behind him and looks at me and Xena.

"Why...just why?" I ask Xena.

"I just wanted to do it," She says.

"Whyyy?" I ask in my head. I quickly walk away from my friends because they are embarrassing me. I grab my things from my locker, and go to my class. I sit down in my seat, and I see Him(Austin). He sits next to me.

"Hey, do you know how to write a paragraph about our Thanksgiving week?" Austin asks

"Yea I do," I reply. I help Austin with his writing. I didn't know the time passed quickly, and the bell scared me.

"Emi!" Xena says.

"What?" I ask.

"Number 1, what are your initials?" She asks.

"Mine are MKS, why?" I say.

"No reasoning," She says.

"Okay now, who's better looking... Alic or Austin?" She asks.

"Really the twins?" I ask.

"Well that's kinda hard. Austin looks like my brother, and Alic is just I don't know," I reply.

"But you still like them right?" Xena asks.

"Maybe...," I say while smiling. On the way to my locker to go home, I'm getting pushed and stepped on. While on the bus, High schoolers are screaming and being annoying. "Birth giver is calling," my phone says. I answered her.

"Can you get the kids for me please?" Mom asks.

"Sure," I reply.

"Thank you," She says. I hang up on her, and walk home. After 25 minutes, I get ready to get the kids.

"Oh wait, can you check the mail on your way," mom asks.

"Sure," I answer. Walking out the door, I see the bus pulling up at the bus stop. I get a call from "Birth giver" again. I answer her again, and she starts to talk.

"I'm going to the dispensary," She explains.

"Okay," I say. On our way back home, the kids put their things up, and watch what I put on. 

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