Chapter 5: Asked Out?

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 Being asked out is just weird enough. It's really funny how you see someone from 7th grade, and the next year they look totally different. Some kids don't even change, they still look the same as they did in 6th and 7th grade. All my friends have been asked out by people not in my school, or at least one person in my school. I've only been asked out by Mia. As much as I said no, she keeps bringing it up. I'd rather be single, but you never know what will happen.

"Emi," a voice says behind me.

"What" I say looking behind me. Right when I turn around I see Matthew.

"Is there anything you want on the lunch plate?" He asks. I grab my plate and hand it to him. He walks off to his lunch seat.

"Emiiii," Xena says. I look at her and give her a death stare.

"Rude," Xena says.

"Sooo, how's weirdo," Xena asks.

"I don't know, why don't you ask him?" I asked.

"Wow," Xena says. While sitting at my lunch table, I see others getting up and talking to others at other tables. I feel someone kick my leg, I turn back around, and see my friend Xena staring at me.

"What?" I ask her.

"You're staring at weirdo," She says.

"No, I was watching others get up out of their seats, and walk to other tables," I explained.

"Mhm sure," She says.

"Then why don't you ask weirdo out," Mia suggested.

"No, never in my life because he has a girl," I reply. Hearing the assistant principal on the microphone. Everyone starts to throw their food out, and walk out to the gym. My friends and I stayed because some of my friends were still eating.

"Hurry," I say, rushing them.

"Hury!," I say again.

"Just be patient," Xena says.

"Never," I reply.

"Okay then, I'ma ask weirdo for you," Xena says walking towards Matthew.

"Noo, okay fine I'll wait," I say. After like three minutes, we finally went to the gym. Hours later, we are at home. I call my friends Zelie and Xena, and we talk about our teachers and students and random things. We would sit on our beds or at our kitchen tables and talk for hours while doing homework, sometimes we'd get distracted.

"Guess what," I say.

"Mhm?" Zelie and Xena said.

"I found pictures of Alic and Austin from someone's tik tok," I replied.

"Who's tiktok was if from?" Xena asked.

"It's from someone named Ally," I say.

"You mean little Ally?" Xena asked.

"Yea, him," I replied.

"You can really find anyones photos just by knowing their first name huh," Xena said.

"Well I didn't mean to," I say.

"Yea suree you didn't mean to," Xena says. Showing Xena and Zelie how I found Alic and Austin's old pictures on tik tok and facebook.

"They were young, but still ugly," Xena says.

"Eh, Austin may look like my brother, but he's a little bit better looking than Alic," I explain.

"I thought you only liked Asians?" Xena asked.

"Well I prefer Asains over Americans, but Alic and Austin are a different story," I say.

"And aren't turkish Asian?" I ask Xena.

"No, I don't think so," Xena replies. I looked up "Are turkish people asian?" and it showed that they are, but they are West-Asians.

"I looked it up, and it says they are West-Asians," I say.

"Oh wow, okay," Xena says surprised.

"I actually thought they weren't Asian," I say.

"Same," Xena replies. We stop talking, and we both go on doing homework while on call.

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