Chapter 7: New Student(Last Chapter)

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Spring break is soon to be here... Emi and her friends are in their new first hour.

"Creative Concepts? Ughh!" I say, annoyed.

"Oh Creative Concepts isn't so bad," Mia says.


"Oh get over it," Xena says. We walk into the creative concepts class, and we see a new student.

"Who's that?" Xena asks.

"Looks like we have a new student," I replied.

"Well obviously," Xena says, dramatically. We all sat in our signed seats, and the teacher introduced the new student.

"Class! We have a new student that is joining us," The teacher explained. The new student sits at our table, and Xena starts to stare at him.

"Emi," Xena whispered.

"What?" I ask.

"Ask his name," Xena replies. I look up to where the new student was, and I look back at Xena shaking my head no.

"Oh come on please?" Xena asks, demandingly. I finally gave in, and I slid a note to the new kid. The new kid grabs the note and replies with his name on the note.

The note read: "My name is Nate." I handed the note to Xena, and she nearly fell out of her seat. The new student slightly looked at Xena and he made a grin towards her.

First hour was finally over, so we all packed up to go to our next hours. Hours passed, and we all are now in our 6th hour. I look at my friend, and she sees the new student (Nate).

"We have to sit next to Nate?" I ask, disappointed.

"Well I guess we have to," My friend says, annoyed. Nate sits at our table, and he looks at me, and he smiles at me.

"Someone has a crush on ya," My friend whispers.

"Ehh, something feels off about him.. I can't quite understand what it is," I reply. The next day comes, and it's a friday. I start to walk to my locker to put my backpack away. While grabbing my things, I see Nate in the left corner of my eye talking to a girl. I try not to listen to their conversation, but I couldn't help it because I heard them talking about Nate dating two girls at once. "I knew he was up to no good," I say in my head. I see my friend coming up to me.

"Emi," Xena says, walking towards me. I turn around, and I see Nate walking towards me right along with Xena.

"What?" I ask, whispering.

"Hey can I talk to ya real quick?" Nate asks me.

"Uh sure," I say. Nate and I walk away from Xena, and he asks me for her phone number because he thought she was cute.

"You should ask her, not me," I answered.

"Ugh you're no help," Nate says. Nate walks up to Xena, and starts to talk to her.

"Hey xena, I was wondering if I could get your number?" Nate asked.

"Sure," Xena said while giving her phone number out to him. Nate walks away from Xena and me, and walks to his friends.

"EMIII!" Xena said, excited.

"Sorry Xena, but I think he's bad news... you shouldn't date him," I say, worried.

"Oh come on, what could happen?" Xena asks.

"Him breaking your heart!" I say, annoyed and worried. Days pass, and I see Xena running towards me angry.

"EMI!...YOU WERE RIGHT!" Xena yelled in anger.

"I told ya," I replied. I look at Nate, and I look back at Xena.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"I saw him talking to another girl!" Xena said. I look Xena straight in the face, and laugh.

"What's so funny?" Xena asks, annoyed.

"I thought you were gonna say something else!" I replied. The bell rings, and we both walk to our first class. I see Nate sitting next to me, and he starts to talk to me.

"Why does your friend look so mad?" Nate asks.

"You'd rather not know," I replied.

" quiet!" Xena says. I look at Xena then at Nate, and start to laugh. Nate see's me laughing, and is confused.

"Why are you laughing?" Nate asks.

"Like I said you don't wanna know," I replied. Time passes, and it's the end of friday!

"I swear something is bothering me! It's that new guy!" I say, speaking to my sister.

"What's his name?" My sister asks.

"Nate," I reply.

"Nate as the Nate from our old school?" My sister asks.

"Now to think of it, he does look like the Nate from our old school," I say, thinking hard.

"Oh no...," My sister says, shocked.

"You have to keep your friend away from him," MY sister says.

"I'm trying," I reply. Monday comes, and we have class again.

"Class, write a paragraph about your issues and exciting things," the teacher says. Xena and I grab a piece of paper, and I start to write.

My Paragraph: When I was young, I didn't have Social Anxiety, but ever since 5th grade, I started having Social Anxiety. A few big exciting things are that I have been learning Archery, and I have friends, and I'm slowly learning how to talk to others. I have two favorite teachers in 8th grade. 8th grade was really tough because of me not able to learn like others, and me not able to talk like others. For whomever is in 8th grade, they will have to learn how to overcome lots of things. I'm so happy that I have friends that helped me through all the hard times with school and family. We may not be friends forever, but we will be forever in each other's hearts no matter what happens.

Months pass, and now all the 8th graders are now 9th graders going into high school as freshmen's. Xena moved away, but all her friends still talk to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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