Chapter 3: Friends

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For someone that has social anxiety it's surprising even if they get one friend. For me, since I have social anxiety, I always thought I'd never get a friend. It's now December 16th 2023. For all the friends that I have now, I'm happy to have them because they are the reason why I'm able to talk to teachers and Han. I still need more confidence to talk to others, but it's working.

"Emi, stop writing in your diary," Xena says. I look up, and see Xena reading my diary.

"Ahhh, what the.... Jeez," I say.

"Scared huh," Xena says.

"No," I reply.

"What are you doing?" Xena asks.

"Nothing," I replied. Xena and I walk in the hallways talking about random things. I kick her and she falls in front of Alic. I laughed so hard that I walked away leaving her there. I hear Alic laugh and I see him walk off. I stop and see Han stop and help pick up Xena. Xena and Han walk as far as the bathrooms, and Xena and I carry on walking down the hallway. Xena dropped her phone in front of the teacher, and The teacher didn't see it, so I picked it up and hid it.

"Jeez, the teacher didn't see that," Xena says.

"I know," I replied. At the time we are at home, and I get a call from Xena. I answered it, and we talked until 12:14am. It's now Thursday.

"You have 1 message from gmail" my phone says. I grab my phone and put my password in. One message from Matthew shows. I didn't read it because I was busy. While on call with Xena again, she tells Alice(dog) to jump on me, and she does. The next day at school, I see Xena and Zelie walking towards me. I kick Zelie in the leg and she kicks me back. A second later, Matthew comes around the corner, and I walk faster to get away from him. I nearly trip, but instead I trip Xena and she falls next to Matthew. We all laughed and we all just stood there. One of the teachers sees Xena on the floor, and she helps Xena up. I quickly walk away so Xena doesn't catch up with me.

Back in my diary, I tripped my friend twice. The first time was on purpose and the second time was by accident because I accidently tripped.

"Emiiiii!"Xena says, hugging me.

"Ahhh," I say.

"That's what you get for kicking me twice," She says.

"No," I reply. We both laugh it off and end the day with talking about Matthew, Alic, Austin, and Han.

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