Chapter 6: At Last

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 Finally 8th grade is almost over. All 8th graders are gonna be high school Freshmens.

"I can't wait to be in high school!" Xena says.

"I may dislike school, but I can't wait either," I reply.

"What if we don't see each other?" Zelie asks.

"We'll make time for each other no matter what happens," I reply.

"Being a Freshman is going to be a lot of work to deal with," I say.

"Yea," Xena says. My friends and I walk down the high school hallway looking around to see our classes.

"Noooo!" Xena says. I look at Xena and start to talk.

"What's wro-," I got cut off by the teacher.

"Hey, do you guys need help?" The high school teacher asks us.

"No thanks, we can go our own ways," Zelie replied to the teacher.

"Alright, if y'all need help, come find me," The high school teacher says. My friends and I go on with our tour, and I resume what I was gonna say.

"Xena, why did you say no?" I asked.

"We don't have our electives together," She replies.

"Oh," I say.

"Let me see," Zelie says. Zelie takes mine and Xena's paper out of our hands, and looks through it.

"I have a class with Emi," Zelie says.

"Can't they put all of us together?" Xena asks.

"It really sucks how we don't have all classes together," I say.

"Yea sadly," Xena says. We walk through the bottom and the top of the high school grounds, and then we decide to walk around until it's time to go back to the middle school.

"Since it's almost the 4th quarter, do you still like Alic, Austin, and weirdo?" Xena asks.

"I actually don't know. I didn't really have feelings for them at all, I just thought they were cute," I reply.

"You sure?" Xena asks.

"I'm sure," I reply. Walking back to the middle school, we see Han. We go up to Han, and I start to talk.

"I wasn't able to finish the book, but I can try to give it to you," I say.

"Nah, it's okay," Han replies.

"Thanks for talking to me when I talked to you, you are actually really nice," I say.

"You really thought I wasn't nice?" Han asks.

"Well the students you hang around with are rude and dirty," I explain.

"Yeah that's true, but not everyone's the same even though we sit with others that are not like us," Han explains. My friends and I walk to our lockers, and get ready for home.

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