Chapter 4: Crushes

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In my diary I write on December 12th. Dating, crushes, people... are just all the same. I got to see a high schooler that is in 11th grade. He was really cute. Sadly he was way older.

"Emi," Xena says.

"What?" I ask.

"I wanna touch your rat," She says.

"No," I reply.

"So who are you writing about?" Xena asks.

"No one," I answered.

"Is it Alic?" She asks.

"No," I reply.

"Is it Austin?" She asks.

"No," I say again.

"Is it Han?" Xena asks.

"No,no,no,no... it's no one from this school," I replied.

"Is it that high school boy?" She finally asks.

"Yes it is," I finally gave in. Xena grabs my diary and runs off with it. I really didn't mind that she had it because she already knew everything that is in the diary I wrote about. It's now the fifth hour, and I finally have the confidence to ask Han a question.

"Hey Han, do you want to be in my book?" I say embarrassed. Han agrees, but adds one of his friends that he wanted in the book. I start on the book, but I realize that it would take longer to write the book than typing it. So I started typing the book, which only took a day in a half to get to chapter 4. Xena makes fun of me because I said something wrong that now she keeps saying. I was texting Zelie about how I choked on RAMAN and it auto corrected it. We both laughed, and I told Xena, but she uses that against me whenever I make fun of her. She knows I have a crush on him, so she decides to somewhat blackmail me which isn't actual blackmailing. For all the crushes I had, Alic and Austin are the longest since 7th grade. Somehow Han found it out. Hopefully he keeps it a secret. 

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