Chapter 1: This is the best thing ever!

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*Beepbeepbeep* "Uggggh," Jughead groans. He rolls over in the bed to press the snooze button. He sleeps in for about another 10 minutes until he decides to get up. He lifts the cover off of his bare body and walks towards the bathroom. He looks up at the picture of Toni Topaz and smiles.

"Gosh, she's so fine." Jughead thinks to himself.

He brushes his teeth and then turns on the shower. He spends about 15 minutes in the shower and then turns off the water. He grabs his towel and dries himself off. He checks his phone and realizes that he is 10 minutes late for school. Jughead quickly puts his phone in his pocket and rushes out of the trailer.

Jughead grabs his helmet and tightens the strap before he swings his leg around the bike. He turns the key into the ignition and rides off.

He arrives at school 19 minutes late, rushing in.

"You're late," Mr. Losturf says.

" I know," Jughead says. " I had to chase a unicorn it wasn't listening. He hears a little chuckle, he turns and sees Toni Topaz laughing. She is wearing a grey crop top, ripped black jeans, with fishnet stockings underneath, a flannel shirt tied around her waist, and of course her serpent jacket.

" That's enough Ms. Topaz," the teacher says. " Mr. Jones have a seat and don't be late again."

" Yes sir."

Jughead sits down next to Toni. He takes out his books when he feels someone tap his shoulder.

" That was funny, Jones, but forreal why were you late?" Toni asks.

" To be honest, I just slept in, but Mr. L can't know that," Jughead answers and he sees Toni shake her head and let out a little laugh.

"Yeah, because he believes that you were chasing a unicorn." Toni jokes.

" Hey, that might've happened." Jughead laughs.

" Ms. Topaz and Mr. Jones, stop talking or you can talk in front of the principal." Mr. L looks at them with a serious expression, but to be honest, Toni and Jughead can't tell if that's his serious face. His face was always like that.

" Ok, sorry Mr. L" Toni and Jughead say.

They're silent for the rest of the period. When the bell rings the two get their stuff and walk out the door. Jughead almost says something but is interrupted by a booming voice down the hall.

" Jug, Tiny." Sweet Pea yells down the hall of Southside High.

" Hey, Sweets." Both Toni and Jughead say. They both look at each other and laugh.

Sweet Pea sees Jug look at Toni a little bit wistfully. " Um, Tiny, can me and my boy, Jug here, talk?"

Toni looked a little hurt, but gave them a little wave and left. Jughead turns around and watches her leave, and it isn't until she's out the door, that he turns back around and looks a little mad at Sweet Pea. " Why did she have to leave, bro?"

Sweet Pea laughs and looks at Jughead. " Come on dude, you can expect me not to know."

" What?" Jughead looks into his eyes with nothing but confusion.

" You and Tiny." Sweet Pea says. Jughead tenses up and just stares at Sweet Pea. " Dude, I saw what was going on between you two, why didn't you say anything to me?"

" Because Sweets, we're not dating. Jughead finally says. He looks down at the floor and starts playing with his hands. " Not yet anyways."

" Bro, do you have a crush on Tiny?" Sweet Pea couldn't help but laugh at he question he just said, his best friend having a crush on Toni Topaz, that is hilarious.

" Sweets, it's not funny. Yes, I do have a crush on Toni, but don't say anything, because I need to know if she feels the same way." Jughead confesses, still looking down. Sweet Pea feels bad and grabs his arm

" Jug, I'm not judging you for it, Tiny, she's pretty cool, I get why you would have a crush on her, it's just....surprising to me." Sweet Pea is still holding on to Jughead's arm, he looks at him, with nothing but sincerity in his eyes.

Jughead finally looks up at Sweet Pea and smiles at him. " Thanks, Sweets. No one knows about my crush."

Sweet Pea let go of Jughead's arm and wraps his arm around his neck, and starts walking towards their next class. " I'll see if Tiny feels the same way." And with that Sweet Pea leaves Jughead alone before he could disagree with what Sweet Pea had said.


It was the last class of the day, and everyone was ready to get out of school. It was a Friday so they were more excited than usual. Jughead was sitting, not paying attention to the teacher, thinking about Toni, when all of a sudden.

" Teachers please stop instruction, as of right now, Southside High is officially closed, please refrain from celebration, until off of premises. Students have gotten emails with what school, they will go to on Monday. Thanks, enjoy the weekend."

Everyone hollered and cheered.

" Guys, please listen, school is not over yet." The teacher stated, but no one listened. There were sounds of cheering in the halls, and Jughead grabbed his bag and headed for the door, followed by multiple people.

He was in the hallway searching for a tiny figure with pink hair.

"Toni!" Jughead called out, running towards the serpent.

" Jones, hey! Did you check your email yet?" Toni asked, smiling. She held out her phone showing the email she had gotten. " I'm going to Riverdale High!" She exclaimed.

" Hold on, lemme check." As Jughead takes out his phone, they hear two more voices booming from the hall.

" Jones, Tiny!" Sweet Pea and Fangs Fogarty, another serpent, yelled down the hall.

" Hey!" Both Toni and Jughead yelled back.

" Did you guys figure out what school you're going to?" Fangs asked. " I'm going to Riverdale High here with Sweet Pea."

" Well, better add one more person, that's where I am going too!" Toni exclaimed. The two boys quickly wrapped her in a big hug, and when they finally pulled away, their attention was on Jughead. " Come on, Jones, where are you going?"

Jughead opened his email and saw one that said. " New School Assignment, please open ASAP!" He clicked on the email and quickly glanced at the email.

Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs were both hoping that their friend would go to the same place. Jughead looked up from his phone with a sad expression, and the three friends face fell. But Jughead quickly smiled which caused everyone in the group yelled and hugged.

" Yes! Let's go!" Sweet Pea yelled.

" We're all going to Riverdale High! Woohoo!" Fangs yelled.

The group of serpents walked out the door, unaware of what the transfer meant.

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