Chapter 5: Well no shit

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" You nervous?" Toni asked. Jughead was on a stool at the Whyte Wyrm, his leg was bouncing up and down. The pair had texted Sweet Pea and Fangs asking to meet up, saying they had something important to discuss.

Jughead shook his head, but inside he was freaking out, he knew that Sweet Pea knew about his feelings, and that he said he was okay, but Toni and Sweet Pea dated a little while back.

What if he gets mad at me? What if he decides he still likes Toni and tries and steal her back? Fangs, oh gosh what is he going to say? Jughead didn't want to think those things but he couldn't help it.

" Tiny! Jug!" A booming voice called. In walked Sweet Pea and Fangs, they both had smiles on their faces, which made Jughead even more nervous.

" Hey, Sweets, Fangs," Toni greeted, they wrapped the short serpent in a hug, Jughead debated on hugging them too, but decided against it.

" Jones, what's going on?" Sweet Pea asked. Toni and Jughead both exchanged glances.

" Umm," Jughead started. He didn't know what to say and he couldn't help but think those thoughts again.

Gosh, what if they hate me after what I tell them? Sweet Pea is going to hate me! Maybe it's still time to back out. No man, don't be a wuss, just own it and tell them what's going on between you and Toni. Sweet Pea did say he was cool with it, but what if he thought I wasn't actually going to go through with this.

" Jones and I have something to say," Toni finally spoke up. She could tell Jughead was nervous, but didn't want to pressure him into saying something.

" Okay? What is it?" Fangs asked. He looked at Toni with a confused look, almost like he knew what the two were going to say.

" Well w-"

" Toni and I are dating," Jughead finally spoke. " Sorry Toni didn't mean to cut you off."

Toni nodded in understanding.

" What, ya'll are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Sweet Pea asked. He didn't mean for it to come out the way it did, but he wasn't actually expecting Toni to actually like him back. Was he jealous? No, of course not. Okay, maybe a little bit, but he couldn't help it. Toni was his best friend and so was Jughead, it would be weird having them date each other.

" What? No, no no no," Toni laughed, she turned to look at Jughead and they both laughed.

" No we're not boyfriend and girlfriend, we're just dating," Jughead stated.

Fangs looked at Sweet Pea, confused. " I don't get it, what's the difference?"

Toni nodded and Jughead cleared his throat, " Well, we're exclusive but we're not with labels or anything so we don't have the same requirements basically."

Fangs nodded his head, but still had no clue what the difference was. Toni looked at Sweet Pea, but she saw his expression wasn't as bright as it usually was.

" Sweets, follow me, I want to talk to you," Toni said, signaling Sweet Pea to follow her. Before she closed the door to an empty office, she gave Jughead a wink, just to let him know everything was fine. " What's wrong Pea?"

Sweet Pea shook his head, she didn't need to know what was going through his head, he was happy for them he was but it still hurt, seeing Toni with someone else.

" Pea, talk to me what's up?" Toni insisted, she knew what was wrong, but she wanted to hear it from him, her best friend. The one she came out to, the one where she cried when her pare- story for another time.-

" You really like him, don't you?"

Toni nodded her head, " Yea, I do, but I want to know how you feel, look Pea, I know we had our issues in the past, but talk to me. It's me." She hated seeing Sweet Pea look so down, but she knew she couldn't help him unless he talked her.

" I'm fucking pissed Tiny," Sweet Pea yelled. He quickly stood up and headed towards the door, but didn't open it. He just stood there, back facing Toni. " I'm pissed," he whispered.

Toni quickly went to the door and hugged him. " Pea, I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel this way, but, we're not together anymore."

Sweet Pea faced Toni, his eyes were shining, like tears could fall out any second. " I know T, but it fucking sucks, yes I want to see you happy, but with Jones? I don't really get what you see in him."

" Pea, now come on, you know that's not fair. He makes me happy, really happy, so why can't that be enough. Don't look at who it is, and just focus on the me being happy part, okay Pea?" Toni asked.

Sweet Pea took a deep breath, " If he breaks your heart, I am going to kill him, Tiny."

They let out a little laugh.

" I know, Pea, I know you would." Toni finally said.

The two shared one last hug before opening the door, and walking towards the counter.

" Hey," Jughead said, standing from his stool. " Everything good?"

Sweet Pea nodded, " Everything's good, Jones." He punched Jughead in the arm, to make sure he knew that he was serious.

" Ow," Jughead started, while rubbing his arm. " Well, now that, that's out the way, we should go get ready for tomorrow huh?"

" Riverdale High is not going to know what hit it." Fangs laughed out, getting the fellow serpents to cheer.

" Okay guys, we don't need the whole school to hate us." Toni said.

" You're right, Tiny, only the hot chicks, can't hate us." Sweet Pea laughed, that earned him a punch in his arm from Toni.

" Leave it to you Sweets, to make even the tiniest thing sexual, right?"

" Hey, I'm just saying, Toni, I heard there are some hot ones up in there." Sweet Pea countered.

" Wow, I miss those days, when I too, would be happy to see some smoking chicks, bur now," Jughead paused wrapping an arm around Toni. " I get to always look at one."

Toni blushed, but she tried to not show it but it failed.

" Awww, Tiny is blushing." Fangs teased.

" Shut upp," Toni punched Fangs in the side.

The four talked for what it seem like hours forgetting what Jughead said earlier, about getting ready.

" Oh crap, look at the time," Jughead said, he checked his phone and the time read 9:42 P.M.

" Oh, yea we better go home and get some rest." Sweet Pea included.

They all left the bar a little bit tipsy, but not too much. Jughead and Toni went to the trailer, and showered, together but nothing happened, they were a little bit tired. After the shower, they got dressed and went to sleep. They both dreamt about the one next to them.

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