Chapter 3: I'm sorry

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" So basically what happened." Jughead starts, both Sweet Pea and Fangs are at the edge of their seats waiting to hear what Jughead has to say.


" No way." Was all Sweet Pea could say. Fangs on the other hand didn't say anything he just kept shaking his head.

" I know, but don't tell her I told you, I told her I wouldn't." Jughead pleaded. He knew he probably shouldn't have said anything, but her friends were worried about her, and he didn't think he had a choice.

" I can't promise I won't do anything." Fangs finally said. He wanted to rip out the uncle's organs and tear them apart ( sorry for the gore). No one liked Toni's uncle, he was nothing like her grandfather. Toni's grandpa, Thomas Topaz, was the best serpent ever. He was one of the members who founded the Serpents which made Toni royalty. Her serpent jacket was like nobody else's. She had tiny pieces of Topaz around her pockets, considering that was her last name. She always made sure she would take good care of it and she did, but her uncle's jacket was stripped after a stunt he tried to pull with a younger serpent. Toni had try to leave her trailer multiple times, but she always came back and apologized to her uncle. But this time she was staying out, she wasn't coming back, no matter what happened.

Sweet Pea started to walk towards Toni at the bar, still downing her drinks. Jughead didn't notice until it was too late, he prayed that Sweet Pea wouldn't say anything incriminating. He should've prayed harder.

" Heeyyyy, Sweets! Toni slurred, it was obvious she was drunk.

" Hi Tiny!" Sweet Pea felt bad for the shorter serpent. He leaned down and gave her a hug.

" Whaaat was t-that for?" Toni asked still slurping her drink.

" I'm sorry, for everything Toni." Sweet Pea said softly, he didn't want Jones to get in trouble but he couldn't help it, he needed to express his sorrow for Toni.

" What are you talking about?" Toni asked, but this time it was more firm. Sweet Pea knew he messed up. " I am perfectly *urrp* fine."

" Toni, Jughe-" Sweet Pea tried to say.

" Don't listen to what Jones said, he's lying, trust me I am fine." Toni slurred again.

" Jughead just felt bad for you he didn't know what to do, so he told us." Sweet Pea tried to make it better, but he didn't.

Toni got up from her seat and walked towards the door and left. She forgot to pay her bill, but Sweet Pea paid for her, he figured it was the least he could do. Sweet Pea turned around looking for the beanie-headed boy, and he walked towards them.

" Jones, you might want to go after your girl, I think I might've messed things up." Sweet Pea confessed. Jughead's face turned red and not because he was blushing.

" What the hell Sweet Pea?!" Jughead screamed. He didn't even wait for an answer he took of after Toni. When he reached the outside he looked everywhere for her, called out her name. " Toni?!" He kept looking for a good 2 minutes, when he heard someone crying. " Hello?!" Jughead called out, he turned around and saw Toni sitting underneath a tree, crying. " Toni!" Jughead said and quickly ran to her. Toni looked up and saw Jughead running towards her. She got up and started to run. She didn't know where she was going, she was just running.

Shit, Jughead thought. He tried his best to catch up to her, but she was running too fast, which is funny considering she's like 5'1. He eventually lost her and panicked. He ran to his trailer, hoping he would find her there, but no dice. He decided it would be better to ride his motorcycle, instead of running around.

Maybe she's at her trailer, but why would she go back there? Just hurry up and check, a drunk teenager is running around the Southside at night, Jughead pulled on his helmet, swung his leg around the motorcycle, started the engine, and took off. It took about 5 minutes to stop in front of the dimly-lit trailer. He took of his helmet, and turned off the engine. He walked up to the door, and knocked. He stood there for a little bit, but the door opened.

" What the hell do you want?" Toni's uncle asked.

" Is Toni in there?" Jughead quickly asked, he was still nervous where she was.

" No, she's not, and tell her not to come back. It's good riddance anyway." The man huffed.

Jughead ignored him and went back to his bike. He started it again and drove off.

Gosh, Jug just think, where the hell could she be. Jughead wanted to just stop and cry, but he needed to find Toni asap. Maybeee, Jughead thought. 8 minutes later, Jughead pulled into a parking lot. He saw the bright, neon lights.

" Pop's Chock-lit Shoppe," the sign read. Jughead quickly ran in, and stopped at the counter.

" Pop? Is Toni here?" Jughead asked.

An elderly man walked out from behind the counter, he was wearing a white apron with a paper hat on top of his head. " Yea Jug, she did? She's sitting over there." Pop pointed at a booth all the way in the back. " Is everything all right?"

" Yes, Pop, thanks." Jughead ran to the booth Toni was sitting at. " Gosh, Toni where were you?" Jughead sat across from her, not wanting to scare Toni.

" You p-promised Juggie." Toni said, barely over a whisper. Jughead wasn't sure he even heard her say it.

" I know T, I'm sorry, but they kept asking questions about you, and I knew you weren't in the mood to talk." Jughead confessed, he looked at the broken girl in front of him crying. " Come on, let's go home."

Jughead put out his hand, at first Toni was hesitant, but she ended up putting her hand in his, walk to his motorcycle, and go back to his trailer. As soon as they stepped inside and the door was closed, she broke down crying again.

" Toni? What's wrong?" Jughead realized that was a stupid question, but he couldn't help it.

" I trus-trusted you." Toni spoke, her face was buried in her knees.

" I know, I know you did and I'm sorry I broke your trust."

Toni chuckled a bit, " And to think I had a crush on you."

Jughead froze for a bit. Did she just say what I think she said? She likes me? Well fuck, I messed that up now. Maybe not, come on just tell her how you feel, you can't make it any worse. But what if I end up ruining our relationship? Jughead shook his head, and sat down next to Toni. He wrapped his arm around her small body, before taking a deep breath.

" Toni," Jughead started. Toni didn't look at him just sniffling in her arms. " Toni, I-I like you." Toni looks up at Jughead. " I really really really like you."

Toni stops sniffling and smiles. Jughead scoots closer to her and leans in, and Toni meets him halfway. The kiss was passionate, they felt fireworks, as cliche as that might be. 

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