Chapter 11: I love you

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Toni woke up with a pounding headache.

What the hell happened last night?

She looked around the trailer and on the nightstand, she saw a water bottle and Advil. Quickly she took it and got out of bed. In the mirror, she saw that her face was free of makeup and that she had her pajamas on.

Who put me in my pajamas? Jug.

" Jug?!" Toni called out. He wasn't in the bed when she woke up and she hasn't heard anything in the trailer.

" Toni?" She heard, and in walked Jughead Jones, with that stupid beanie on his head. " When did you wake up?"

" Just now," Toni stated. Her memory from last night was blurry, all she remembers is going to a party at Veronica's house and meeting some guy.

" How'd you sleep?" Jughead asked nervously, he wanted to make sure he didn't accidentally trigger her.

Confused, she just gave him a thumbs up. " What happened last night?"

Hesitantly, Jughead answered, " What do you remember?"

" I remember," Toni started. " Going to a party at Veronica's and then her trying to introduce me to this guy."

" Oh, so you remember Nick St. Clair?" Jughead asked.

" If that's his name then yes, I do. After meeting him everything is a blur. I thought I didn't drink at all last night?" Toni questioned.

" You didn't..." Jughead trailed off, debating whether or not he should tell Toni. " This might be a conversation we have after school if you still want to go."

" Why wouldn't I want to go to school? I feel fine, other than the headache."

" No reason!" Jughead quickly said. " Let's get ready then we're already late."

" We are? What time is it? Why didn't you wake me up?"

" Because you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up," Jughead replied.

" Oh okay, but that doesn't stop you from waking me up any other day?" Toni playfully said.

" Hah," Jughead nervously laughed.

What the hell is going on? He seems super nervous.

" Juggie, you okay?"

He didn't say anything, just nodded, and headed for the closet.


Toni finished getting ready, then got her clothes out, ate, and headed out the door, trying to forget the weird morning she had already.


At Riverdale High (again still RH)

Toni and Jughead opened the doors to RH and were greeted with not a single soul in sight.

I guess everyone's in class.

" Come on, I'll walk you to your first class," Jughead said.

" Juggie, I'm fine. Go ahead," Toni stated.

" Are you sure?" The boy asked.

" Yes, now hurry up before you're even later," Toni ordered.

Jughead gave her a quick peck on the lips, then headed to his first period.

Weird again

Toni casually walked to her first period, opening the door.

" You're late," Mrs. Polish, the English teacher said.

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