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It's funny sometimes, how much a person interacts with people. A person who has the perfect boyfriend, perfect life, perfect everything. But sometimes, things aren't perfect.

Her across the hall neighbor probably thinks has a good life. He sees Noah come home with gifts or some sort of food each night to give to me. He must. They carpool together and work the same hours, at the same job. Outside of that room, he's the perfect man. Outside those walls, away from him, is perfect. Inside the walls, it's her hell.

Those gifts are to makeup for what he did the night before or being gone.

He thinks they're working.

Until she finally is able to get the force to believe her. To get her 'best friend' to believe her.

Is this what the perfect life is like?

What if she were to go across the hall?

||Chapter One; Three Months Ahead||

Quote of the chapter: "I'll never leave you."

"Babe, I've got to go. I've got a business meeting." Noah smiles falsely at the girl standing in the kitchen. He walks towards her and plants a sloppy kiss on her. She inwardly cringes and flinches.

"Have fun. And be safe, okay?" She sighs, turning back around to finish stirring her chili.

"Babe, is something wrong?" She shakes her head.

"No. I'm just making dinner. I don't want to burn it." She lies clearly through her teeth.

"Okay. I'll be back in a few days." He leaves without another thought, saying a hello to the across the hall neighbor, before leaving.

"Hey." The neighbour says, walking in the door Noah left wide open. He shuts it behind him.

"Hey." She responds. "Mark," her voice cracks and she can't say another word. A whimper resonate from her throat, the only noise she can muster. She drops the wooden spoon into the pot as Mark wraps his arms around her from behind, catching her as she falls. He carries his apartment, laying her on his bed, turning the chilli to a low simmer.

"I'm right here," he says once finding a lid and going back to her. He sits beside her and holds one of her small hands in one of his big ones. "I'm not leaving you, Oliver." He tells her softly. She pulls him down to lay beside her. He obliges, laying on the side of his bed he always sleeps on. She turns to him and cuddles into his chest. His arms wrap around her. He presses his lips to her forehead as she quickly falls into a relaxed sleep in his arms.

"I'll never leave you."

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