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||Chapter Thirteen; Today ||

Quote of The Chapter: "And I'm falling in love with him."

"Oh, I'm so excited! I can't believe you two are finally getting married!" Noah's Mother  Merida exclaims, clasping her hands together as she jumps in excitement, watching her soon to be daughter in law sit in a chair, staring down at her hands as her hair is being pulled and twisted in all directions. She sighs lovingly at the girl in the white dress. "I've been waiting for this day since he told me you two were together."

"There," The hairdresser says in the midst of final touches. "She is," The woman drags out the 'I' in is. "Done! All prepped and ready to get married." The hairdresser leaves the room in the large church to join the many people sat outside, talking and waiting for the marriage to start. Noah, already standing up in front of the priest who is in charge of marrying the two, asks his best man's best friend Sean where his best man is.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Merida asks, lifting up E's chin. The young bride looks at her reflection before to Merida, offering her a small smile.

"Nothing. I'm just," She lets out a breath. "I'm really nervous, Merida." The woman smiles and takes E's hands in her own, pulling her up. In the uncomfortable shoes on her feet, E is the same height as the woman.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, hon. As long as you love Noah, you shouldn't be nervous." E nods, closing her eyes. "Look at me, sweet girl." E opens her eyes. "Follow what your heart wants, okay? I want my son to be happy, honest to god I do, but not if that means hurting you, baby." E nods, feeling a sudden respect for this woman. "Now you quit that crying before you ruin your make up. You look amazing."

"Thank you, Merida." E says.

"Now you go out there and get married to my son."

E sits in the room until Noah's father comes in to escort her down the isle. She curtly nods at him, keeping her gaze off of him, and watching ahead as he walks her to Noah. She fakes the smiles on her lips, faking the happiness radiating off her. Standing there, under the alter as the priest read from his book, E glanced over and saw Mark standing at the door of the church, wearing his best man's suit, watching. Noah, saying E's first name, snapped her out of her daze as he began reading his vows.

"Oliver," He begins. "We met seven years ago today, at a museum. I remember that day, that when I first saw you, I told myself 'that's the girl I'm going to marry.' You're already my world, and this child," when he places his hand flat and somewhat roughly on my belly, I close my eyes as tears begin to fall. Gasps sound out as they realize what that means. "This little baby inside you is God's sign, saying that you're meant for me." I open my eyes, wiping away the tears as they fell. He takes my hands, thankfully taking his hand off my belly, and looks at me. "I love you, Oliver. I have since that first day seven years ago." Now it being E's turn to say her vows, she made up her mind. She was going to do what she could. She spoke her vows, the few words there are, looking up at Noah.

"I made a promise a long time ago, to my mother that I would make myself and the man I love happy." A chorus of aawes ring throughout the church. "That's what I'm doing today."

"Noah James Everett, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her, for as long as you both shall live?" Noah stares lovingly down at E. From the corner of her eye, she sees Mark look down.

"I do." He speaks.

"Oliver Elione Morgan, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband," The priest takes in a breath. E sees Mark turn around and closes her eyes, knowing this is her last chance. "To have and to hold, in sickn - " E cuts off the priest in the midst of his speaking.

"The baby isn't yours," She sees Mark stop in his spot, standing in front of the door. She looks up at Noah as gasps and murmurs chorus through out the church. "This baby never has been and never will be yours."

"What are you talking about?" Noah asks her, suddenly flustered from the outburst from his bride. "Of course the baby is mine." She shakes her head.

"No. No it isn't. And I can't marry you." With her hand on the veil, she pulls it free from her hair and drops it on the ground.

"What's gotten into you, Oliver?" Noah's father asked. "I thought you loved my son?" E shakes her head and tries to take a step down towards the floor. Noah pulls her back up.

"I don't love you anymore. I haven't for a long time. I was just scared of what you would do if I tried to leave." His grip on her arm tightens. She tries to pull free. "We're over, Noah."

"You cheated on me." He says softly, louder the next time. "You cheated on me and you knew the baby wasn't mine. How could you do that to me?" Her jaw drops and she finally is able to pull free.

"How could I do that to you?" E says. "You've been cheating on me for years! You're abusive and you -" She pauses, glancing up at his face. He's warning her not to say it. "You're abusive and you raped me." Gasps and cries break through the room. "You left me alone every night so you could go on 'business trips.' You raped my friend, Noah." She walks backwards, away from him as he walks towards her. "How could you do that to anyone?"

"That's fucking different, Oliver!" Mark steps in front of E, offering her a shield.

"No it isn't." She shakes her head. "It's completely different."

"How? How the hell is you cheating on me different than me on you?!" Mark holds him back from jumping on her. Noah's father soon is restraining him, allowing Mark to come to E's side.

"You can't remember their names and probably didn't even know it at the time." He snorts, trying to break free from his father.

"Oh, and like you know the name of the guy you slept with? The fucking bastard who impregnated you!?" E nods.

"Yeah. I do know his name." He scoffs and stops trying to break free.

"If you know him so well, why don't you tell me his name and one thing about him so I can find him and kick his ass." Noah's eyes burn dark with rage as he watches his ex-fiancé stand there so calmly, watching him be restrained by his own father. Watching his so called friend stand there with the girl that he wants, betraying him.

"His name is Mark," Noah's eyes widen and he tries thrashing around to get to his best man. E takes one of Marks large hands in her small hand. She looks up at the pink haired man as she says her next words."And I'm falling in love with him."

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