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||Chapter Six; Two Months Ago||

Quote of the chapter: "You're the one here with me."

E was laying on the soft couch in her apartment when the door burst open. Noah walks in, a grin on his face as he speaks to someone on the phone. E, with her headphones on and music turned all the way up, tuning out the world, didn't notice the loud voice and slamming of the door or the figure walking all around the living room, practically shouting into the phone, with her closed eyes.

"Babe!" Noah rips her headphones from her head, dropping the green object onto her lap. "I've some great news." He tells her.

"Yeah?" You're leaving me? She thinks, but doesn't dare say aloud.

"I moved up the wedding. It's on the twelth of December. This year." She bites her tongue.

"Really? We haven't even started planning though." He grins bigger at her.

"I already have everything organized and the invites sent out. We just need to go buy your dress." What invites? When did he have time to do any of that? She carefully sits up.

"Invites?" He nods, eyebrow raised.

"I couldn't find any of your family though. It'll just be my family and friends." He frowns, sending her a look as though to dare her to argue. "Is that okay?" Unwillingly, she nods her head. "Great. What size dress do you wear?"

"Four," She responds softly.

"I'll be back in the morning, okay babe? I've got work and then I'm gonna go buy you a wedding dress." Nodding, she lifts up her headphones. "And go over to Mark's again. I don't like you being home alone while you're pregnant. He doesn't mind you being over right?" After looking at the expresion on his face, she can tell that if he doesn't, he's going to go over there. She doesn't want that. If there is anything she wants in this world, other than to get away from Noah, is for Mark to be safe from Noah.

"Yeah." She places the headphones on her head and hits play on the song that just came on. Noah kisses her forehead before going to their bedroom. Well, his. She's either been in Mark's bedroom or finding an excuse to not sleep on that bed. Her latest is needing an easier route to the toilet, for morning sickness, which she had only just begun to get. Since she learned she was pregnant, weeks ago, she has not once slept in that bedroom.

A few minutes after he left, E pulled herself off the couch and to her ringing phone, sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Hello?" She answers, not bothered with checking the I.D. Not many people know this numer. She is rather strict of who knows it.

"Is this Oliver?" A man on the other line asks.

"Yeah." She sighs and opens the fridge. She pulls out a Danimals Smoothie. Ever since Noah was told of her pregnacy, he has been buying her these. He remembered a few months prior, when they were out grocery shopping together and he had threatened her because she had walked towards them.

"Oliver, this is Dr. Thomas. I have some, well, interesting news for you." With the phone between her ear and shoulder, the aluminium cap to the drink is taken off. Some of the pink liquid splatters on her hand, thought she takes no notice to this as she tosses away the aluminium.

"How is it interesting?" She wonders, tipping the drink at her mouth. Her eyes close at the flavor of the Danimals.

"It's about your pregnacy." She tosses away the small, empty cup into the trash and grabs her keys to the apartment. "Noah Jackson, your fiance. I've ran the test thousands of times. There isn't even a slim chance that he could be the father, I-" his cut off next word implies he has further to say. "Are you having an affair, Oliver?"

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