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//Chapter Ten; Three Weeks Ago//

Quote of the chapter: "Then let me."

She was coming home with a bag of groceries from the local supermarket when she spotted him outside of his door, leaning against it. Waiting for her. Her step falter and she slowly reaches him, the man she hasn't seen since the day she gave him the invitation. She swallows and closes her eyes, trying to regain her mind as she stops near him.

"Hey." She says to him quietly as she opens her eyes. Slowly, his puffy red eyes open.

"Hey." He says back. She notices a tear falling down his cheek. Has he been crying because of me? She asks herself as she looks down at his feet. She feels the weight of the groceries being taken from her. She looks up at him and sees his small smile. She takes her keys to the apartment from her purse and open the door across from his door. She walks in with him following, to the kitchen. She sets her purse on the bar as she passes it and finds a medium saucepan. She puts water in it and places it on the stove to boil. She hears the bags being placed on the island as she opens the fridge and pulls out the jug of orange juice. She sets it down on the counter under the cabinet containing all of the glasses and turns around to face him. She expects to see him at the island by the groceries, but finds him standing right there in front of her. Why did he not surprise me with his close proximity? She swallows back her nerves and looks up at him. When she can't meet his gaze, she lowers her head down and finds sudden interest in the floor. He hooks a finger under her chin and lifts her head. He takes a step closer to her.

"Why were you crying?" Her question is soft and light. With her thumb, she wipes away a tear on his cheek. Her hand doesn't leave the side of his face as she looks up at him. Her hand slides down to his shoulder and down his arm until it passes his hand. He catches hers before it has a chance to fall to her side.

"I care about you, E." He whispers as his face slowly lowers, so subtle that neither of the two noticed. "Why are you still with him if you don't love him?" She lowers her gaze to his chest. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" She looks up at him through her long lashes.

"You don't understand, Mark." She murmurs as their lips brush. Shivers shoot up her spine and sends his heart to a flurry. The tip of his nose touches her cheek as their lips connect. Her eyes flutter close for a moment of undamaged perfection. Too soon did his sweet, warm lips leave hers.

"Then let me."

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