Little Quickie

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Hey guys! I really hope you've been enjoying reading this. I've loved writing it since I got the idea for it, which I think I got from reading a few lines from another story. It completely changed from what it originally was going to be, but that's okay. This has been and is my favorite thing I've ever written on here, including all of my unpublished works (which if Wattpad didn't keep it all nice it would look worse than my room which looks like it has survived ten hurricanes and thirteen tornadoes, plus a tsunami (only nothing is wet)) and I really appreciate all of you who are taking the time to read this. 

I'd love to hear what you guys think of this story so far, so don't be shy! Leave a comment. Even if it is you telling me how much you hate my work, because then I get to question your sanity because you're here, reading my story, on my account, and leaving a post in my comments section of my story that you don't like.

I'll see you guys next time!

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