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||Chapter Four; Two Months and Two Weeks Ago||

Quote of the chapter: "Will you sleep with me?"

"Who the fuck is at my door at midnight?" Mark grumbles, rubbing his eyes under his glasses as he makes his way to the door of his apartment. He looks through the peep hole but only sees the top of a brunettes head. Sighing, he pushes away his tiredness and opens the door. He opens his mouth to cuss out the person, though is unable to function a simple thought at the brunette beauty standing before him with a big grin on her face. He closes his mouth and swallows back the dry feeling. In the dimly lit entrance to his apartment, he stares at the girl. Managing to regain focus after a second, he takes in what she is wearing. Some sort of dark pajama pants with white and pink on them, a white tank top the very snuggly hugs her torso and bunches slightly at the bottom, and a short sleeved, red and black flannel shirt that is unbuttoned.

"-lo?" He snaps out of his daze when she pokes his cheek. "Are you home, Mark?" She asks him as his cheeks tint pink.

"Y-yeah." He stutters. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. She shakes her head at him, the smile reamining on her face.

"I was asking you if you were going to the show." She says. From the puzzled expression on his face, she assumes he doesn't know about the show. "For the fourth of July, Mark. Half of this complex is going. The half that arent are either new borns and their mothers, people who work right now, or just grouchy bastards who hate everyone and everything about life." He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to wake up.

"I didn't know there was a show." He sighs.

"There hav been fliers, like, everywhere, since the beginning of June." She says, looking up at him. "Do you ever come out of your apartment?"

"Yes." He says. "Well, sometimes. So, this show. Where is it?"

"Just go put some shoes on. It's like a thirty minute drive and because I don't feel like being alone, you're my explosions buddy."

"You can come in if you want." He says before he disappears to his room. She walks around the living room, looking at everything. The room sizes between their apartments are the same, the style of the apartment. The only difference is the decorations they put up.

"Markiplier pajamas?" Mark asks when he's come back with shoes on and a blanket in his arms. He didn't bother with a shirt, grabbing the blanket instead. E, as she told him to call her, looks down at her legs. "Well, I'm flattered." He chuckles, placing a hand over his heart.

"These pants have a story behind them." I shrug. "They're actually how I discovered your youtube channel and realised you had a reason to scream obscenities all night." With the key ring around a finger, she picks up a creeper mug from the counter. "Can you close your eyes for a minute?" She asks, setting the keys to her car down.

"Uhm, sure." He says. She, with the mug, goes over the stairs in his apartment that lead up to one more room in a hallway in the high ceilinged, white apartment, that leads to the balcony. Just like her apartment. She gets in the pose he was in when those pictures were taken, pointing out the balcony. "What are you doing?" Mark asks her as she gets locked in her position. "Can I open my eyes?" He doesn't wait for an answer, instead just looks around until he spots her.

"Am I Markiplier, yet?" She asks, doing the next pose. She looks at the extremely amused look on Mark's face. "I think I'm a better Markiplier than you Mark, don't you think Sir Creeper?" He begins laughing at her now, falling down on his couch. She grins and skips down the stairs and sets the mug where she got it.

"Did you purposefully wear those clothes so you could do that?" Mark asks as he walks beside her, heading to the stairs.

"No. I actually put these shirts on before I left my apartment. No, wait, I actually was about to knock on your door but realised I was in my bra."

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