R.M: Chapter 11: Two Pieces of a heart; Part One

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G.A quote of the day:

"I don't want to give this hand of yours to someone else. If only I had the power in this instant. I want to become an adult. So I can bring you out and runaway with you"

-Natsume Hyuuga


Knock knock

"Come in Luna." A low voice spoke in the darkness. It was Friday and the plan was going smoothly so far, but she felt guilty about Mikan. She knew that today was the day she looked forward to, to confess her feelings to Sensei. Yet the person who she trusted, Luna disguised as Ami, back-stabbed her and took control of her soul temporarily a couple days before today.

"Uh... mm" she bit her lip anxiously as she thought to herself. Just say the words... she repeated over in her head. It was so hard to ask for something without a punishment in return. She never asked him for anything and yet when she wanted to, she didn't. It was too much pressure. "The plan is going smoothly." She sighed quietly to herself and looked down to her feet. Ashamed at her cowardice. 

"Good girl." She widened her eyes and smiled a little smile. Although she knew everything she did was wrong... it felt good to hear those words for once, coming from the person who never left her side when everyone else did. She had to admit... she was deeply in love with him and there was no changing her mind about it. "Continue as planned."

"Yes Boss." She returned and walked herself out, grinning to herself like a fangirl. After meeting him she felt guilty once again for failing to ask his permission for that one simple thing.

That was to release Mikan just for tonight.

It doesn't matter anyway... she thought. Then she bit her lip again, as she began to fiddle with her fingernails. Then she sighed when the image of the smiling brunette entered her mind.

I guess it won't hurt if I let her off for a little while...

~a few hours later with Natsume and the gang~

The song 'Party Rockin' roared throughout the spacious room

"We're here... finally." Sumire sighed with hearts in her eye's, "So many cute boys~!"

They searched for hours just to find Hokkaido and then the school. But it was all worth it for the brunette known as Sakura Mikan. Whom many of the guys at Gakuen Alice had a crush on.

"I bet Mikan is popular at her school." Tsubasa teased a tense Natsume. He glared at him and took out his hand, a threat of creating a fireball for him. He gulped and nodded in response. Natsume looked up and saw in the distance... some brown hair. But it wasn't in pigtails... he frowned as he continued to search for her. Then as she turned around... he widened his eye's as reality hit him. It was her. She was right in front of him, in the flesh and smiling and laughing, and most of all... she was okay. She was healthy and nothing seemed to worry her. He sighed and the edges of his lips tugged up. 

He put his hands in his pockets then he walked towards her, avoiding all girls who approached him.

Then he came to a stop as he spotted a certain Sensei, who looked oddly familiar, confront Mikan and offer her to dance. His heart dropped as he came to realize who he looked like. The person he most hated in this world. Koro Sensei just happens to look like him, but with longer hair and a more approachable atmosphere around him. Natsume just shook his head and a vein popped on his head. The way Mikan looked at him was enough to get him angry with clenched fists.

He just swallowed it down and remained calm to avoid any suspicions, and waited for them to finish their dance. It took all the patience in the world not to burn the innocent Sensei, but sweat trailed down his face. It caused him anxiety to see the woman he loves, with another man. Of course it was no time to worry about such a thing but he couldn't help it... For a moment he was jealous of that Sensei who held Mikan so close to him. You could see that idiot's red face from a thousand miles away. 

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