Chapter 1

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Lily's pov;
"Lilyyyy," I hear Zack call out my name in a creepy tone. "Come back, and play my game. I didn't mean to hurt you that badly.".

I didn't listen, I just kept running away. No matter how much my body is hurting and aching from the wounds and bruises, I have. I kept running.

As I made a sharp left turn around a corner of the shipping container maze. The right side of my body slams into a shipping container. I groaned from the pain, and continued running. I reached up to my neck walkie-talkie and pushed the two buttons on the side.

"If anyone is close to the shipping container maze. Please answer immediately, I need help." I said, before releasing the buttons and waited for a response. Coming up to a two way direction, i stopped in my tracks and looked both ways. "Right or left?" I hear a chuckle not far from me. "Damn it," I took a left turn and continued running down the path, I chose. I reached my hand back up to my neck walkie-talkie again and pushed the buttons on the sides. "Someone please respond!" I released the buttons and waited for a response.

A static beep came through. "Lily, what's wrong?!" Mason's voice came through.

I push on the buttons. "Zack is chasing me down in the shipping container maze. And I'm badly hurt." I released the buttons and waited for Mason's response.

A static beep came through. "Me and James are near by. Try to hold out as long as you can.".

I stopped running when I reached a dead end. "Crap,".

"Lilyyy," Zack's voice was getting closer to me.

My eyes widen, and I turned around to no one coming yet. I backed up, and hit something that didn't feel like a shipping container.

"Found you," Zack whispered by my ear.

I moved away without a second thought and looked behind me, but no one was there. I sighed with relief. "Good, just my imagination." I thought.

A hand grabbed my shoulder. "Why are you sighing, Lily?" My eyes widen as my breath got caught in my throat. I looked over my shoulder to Zack standing there with a smirk on his face. I turned around and tried to back away, but Zack grabbed me by the throat. He lifted me up in the air with one arm. I tried to get out of his grip by punching and scratching his arm, plus moving around."Poor, poor Lily. Can't fight anymore." His grip tighten around my throat, making it harder for me to breathe. Black dots were filling my vision, and my body was slowly giving out. "You know... I think you would fit perfectly for my plan." He let's go of me and I hit the ground.

I cough violently and gasped in air. "Plan?" I asked in a raspy voice, before I looked up to Zack.

"That's a surprise for you to find out." Zack smiled. "Goodnight, Lily." He kicked me pretty hard in the head, and I hit the ground. The last thing, I remember before passing out was him chuckling.


Hajime's pov;
~Game room~

"Damn it!" Number 82 yelled from the card table, as he threw his cards down.

"Sucks for you, Honey bear." Number 11 yelled.

"You cheated!' Number 82 yelled.

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