Chapter 4

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James's pov;
"What is that?" Trois asked.

I kept my attention on this weird square device."Looks like Trey's device, I can tell by the color. His devices are black and Tracy's is a dark blue. How the hell did this get in my pocket?" I found a button blended in and pressed it. The device breaks into four corner pieces. "This thing is useless, why would Trey mak-" The pieces glow and started to float from my hand. "Woah," I back up a bit, before the pieces flys over to where the portal was. The pieces still floated in the air as it made corners of a large tv screen. The green light strings went to each corner piece, then made a black screen.

"It's like a floating tv." Uno said.

"I'm honestly not surprised." I said, before the screen turns on and Tracy was on the screen. My eyes widen and I walked towards it. "It's not a floating tv." Everyone looks at me. "Its a time window, we can finally see what's going on back home." I smiled. "I don't know how Trey and Tracy did it but it worked.".

Trois gets beside me along with the others. "So that's my daughter?".

"Yeah, that's Tracy." I said.

"She's beautiful." Trois said.

Trois's pov;
My daughter doesn't look like me in the face features, i assume she gets it from her mom. Tracy is standing at 5'6, and has a pale skin tone like me. She has my eye color and hair color plus she has black frame glasses on her face. And her hair was extremely long like down to her ankles long. Her hairstyle was in two french braids. She was wearing blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, flat heeled brown mid calf boots with laces and straps, a neck walkie-talkie, black earrings, and a black messenger bag.

A stick snapping came from the audio of the time window. Tracy stopped in her tracks and looked back.


Tracy's pov;
When I turned back to the stick snapping and didn't see no one. I turned back and continued walking the path to the phone tower. I pushed the buttons on the neck walkie-talkie.

"Hey Trey, I'm close to the phone tower. You sure this will work? For all we know it could be guarded." I released the buttons and waited for a response. A static beep came through.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." He said, before he chuckled.

I pushed the buttons. "What did you do this time?" I release the button and waited.

A static beep came through. "I may or may not have sent people to keep them busy.".

I pushed the buttons."Who did you send?" I released the buttons.

A static beep came through."I sent Rody after Tim, Holden and Amber after Zack.".

I push the buttons."You realize Zack is terrified of Amber and Holden, right?" I released the buttons.

A static beep came through. Trey chuckled. "I know, that's why I sent them.".

"Okay, what about Striker-" A loud boom echoed. I flinched and looked back in the sky, there was large amounts of smoke in the air. "Please tell me that isn't Henry fighting Striker?" I released the buttons.

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