Chapter 3

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Zack's pov;
I ran threw the portal into another time-line, as I held my wrist that James shot at. My blood was going down my fingertips and hitting the floor. "Damn, brat!" I thought. I growled out of anger, then noticed where I am. I looked to my right and saw Lily unconscious. I was in 2023, where I sent Lily. "That little fucking brat, had to call for help. I'm going to kill her." I walked towards Lily but the guards and the warden stood in front of Lily. They were protecting her, which pisses me off more. I hate these brats and their parents. They are standing in the way of my revenge.

"I assume your Zack?" Hyakushiki asked in her rough tone of voice.

"Ohh, you heard of me?" I asked

"Did you do this to Lily?" Hyakushiki asked.

"Obviously, now move aside I just wanna talk to Lily." I lied.

"You don't think, we can't sense your blood lust the moment you ran out of your portal thing." Samon said.

"I'm not letting you near this child, and cause more harm. So back off." Hyakushiki said.

I laughed. "Funny, but no." I grabbed another knife with my left hand. "I guess, I'll take you out first. Too bad, I was actually having fun with fighting your son. So sad to see son and daughter disappear." I felt chains wrap around my upper body tightly, it slowly pulls me back. I was struggling to get out."What?!" I look over my shoulder to Mason pulling the other end. I assume this is James in weapon form. "Hey, Mason missed me already?".

"Zack, you can threaten me as much as you want. But don't ever threaten my mom or little sister's life again!" Mason said. He was using his full power, and his eyes were a brighter brown this time with a blue glow surrounding his body.

Hyakushiki's pov;
Mason stood at 6'1 with blue fluffy hair and skin tone like mine. His hairstyle is kinda growing out on him like down to his shoulders long. But he has part of his hair tied back with a hair tie. He was wearing grey jeans, a black shirt, and black running shoes on his feet. He looks exactly like me but with dark brown eyes.

"So this is my future kid? He looks exactly like me." I thought, as Mason grabbed Zack by his shirt. The chain released Zack, and Mason pushes Zack back in the portal. The portal closes again.

Mason looks towards us, the glow surrounding his body disappears and his eyes went back to dark brown. I could tell he was about to pass out and was tipping over. I ran over to him, and caught him. He fell limb in my arms, as I brought him to the ground and laid him on his back.

I hear footsteps walk over towards me. "This must be your kid, warden. He looks like you." Kiji said.

"I agree," I said.


I look at the chain weapon laying on the ground. "Uh, did that chain just talk?" Number 11 asked.

A white glow surrounded the weapon and slowly transformed to a person. When the glowing disappeared, I was surprised that the kid looks like 15. Some people gasped. The boy was more worried about Mason unconscious.

"Damn it, Mason. I told you not to over do it." The kid said. He noticed everyone staring and looked at us. "Uh, why are you looking at me like that?".

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