Chapter 5

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Tracy's pov;
Striker chuckled as he walked over, my feet were right on the edge and tiny rocks were falling off the cliff.

"You're coming with me." Striker said.

I pulled out the pin and threw one of my devices at him. When the device hit him on the chest, electricity came out and started shocking his whole body. He screamed in pain as he couldn't move, and I ran for it.


James's pov;
"Hell yeah, go Tracy!" Rock said, as she ran back into the foggy forest. She was dodging trees and rocks plus jumping over tree roots

Tracy reached up to her neck walkie-talkie and pushed the buttons. "I got away from Striker-" She gets back on the path and continues running. "And I'm back on the path.".

A beep came through. "I'm on the path too, so keep running.".

She kept running, and you could see Rody in the distance. "Good, Rody made it." I said.

"Tracy, you alright?" Rody asked.

"Yeah," Tracy said, before they stopped In front of each other and caught their breath.

Rock's pov;
I took in the details of my son. He had my skin tone, eye color, height, and body build. But he had a different face features probably from his mom, and he has black hair with a feather in his hair like mine. He was wearing black jeans, a grey t-shirt, and running shoes.

"Where's Striker?" Rody asked.

"Somewhere back there, let's just get out of here." Tracy said. Rody nodded and ran for it. She reached up to her neck walkie-talkie and pushed the buttons. "Leo, Quincy how's Henry?" She lets go of the buttons.

A beep came through. "Quincy got him healed up, but his still unconscious. So we're taking him to the cabin." Leo said.

She pushed the buttons. "We're heading back to the cabin as well.".

James's pov;
"I'm back- What did I miss?" I turned back to Kiji pushing a cart with food and drinks on it.

"Trey gave me a time window, we can see what's going on back home." I said. Kiji grabbed a plate of food and a cup of water then hands it to me. "Thank you,".


Tracy's pov;
When we got back to the cabin and went inside. Quincy, and Gwen were getting Henry comfortable on the floor to recover for a bit while Leo and Trey talked.

"Trey," I said.

Trey looks at me and he looks relieved. "Oh thank goodness, your not hurt." I walked over and gave him a hug.


Trois's pov;
Looking at the details of my son, i knew immediately he was my son. He looks just like me in the face features but with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He has my skin tone, same hair style as me, black frame glasses, and was standing at 5'6. He was wearing blue jeans, a short sleeve black button up shirt, and black shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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