Chapter 2

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Hyakushiki's pov;
"The only thing we can do is wait for her to wake up, then talk to her." I said, before looking at Lily still unconscious on the couch, and badly injured. I felt bad for her, she looks so young.

"Poor thing, she looks like a teenager." Kiji said.

"I know," Seitarou said.

I walk away from the guards for a moment to get a chair from the card table so I could sit down beside Lily and wait for her to wake up. After grabbing a chair and went to the couch, I sit down and looked at Lily. I noticed the huge bruise on her forehead, and a form of a hand print around her neck. I moved some of her white hair to get a better look of it. The bruise on her forehead was terrible and it was swelling up. I look back at the guards.

"Can one of you guards please get me an ice pack, a bottle of pain killers, and some water. The bruise on her forehead is swelling up." I said.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll even get her a clean button up shirt to change into when she wakes up." Seitarou said.

I looked at Seitarou and smiled. "Thank you, I'm sure she'll appreciate it." Seitarou walks out of the game room and I turned back to Lily. "I wonder why she looks like you, Kenshirou.".

"Me too," Kenshirou said.

"Do you have siblings?" I asked.

"No ma'am, I was an only child along with my other family members." Kenshirou said.

"I see," I said.

"What if this is a future child scenario?" Me and everyone else looked at number 03. "If you think about it. It makes sense, the portal appearing and her looking like Kenshirou. She could be Kenshirou's future kid or something.".

"I hate to agree with Trois but he has a point." Number 82 said.

I look back to Lily and she was slightly shaking. I took off my work glove and touched her hand, her skin was freezing.

"Her skins freezing." I said, as I put my work glove back on.

"It is cold in here." An inmate said.

"It's cold In here to keep the games from overheating." Hajime said.

Kenshirou walks over to the couch and took off his cape and lays it over Lily. "This will keep her warm for now." Kenshirou said.

"I'm sure, she'll appreciate it." I said.

Number 11 came around the couch along with number 25,69, and 71 and leaned over the couch. "Sooo aren't we going to talk about the creepy laugh, we all heard from the portal, plus that voice calling out her name." Number 11 said.

"She did seem terrified, and shaken up by that voice." Number 02 said.

"I don't know, but if she's this terrified then it's seriously." I said.

I hear footsteps enter the room."Warden, I brought back everything you asked for plus a clean shirt." Looking over my shoulder to Seitarou holding out a ice pack to me.

I smiled, and grabbed it from his hand. "Thank you, Seitarou." I looked back at Lily and carefully set the ice pack on her bruised forehead. "Whatever is going on with Lily's situation, I hope no one else is in danger.".

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