His Protection

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"I see that your precious Star friend didn't stick around to make sure that word didn't get out about Rosas having no defences?" Magnifico practically grinned. If he was trying to show the Kingdom that their benevolent, protective King had returned, he was doing so in the pettiest of ways.

"Now, you may be wondering a few things. Where is the Queen? How is the King out of his prison? Is he going to protect us from these invading forces, or will he turn on us as we turned on him?"

Magnifico began to pace slightly as Asha stared on, shifting nervously. She'd not revealed to the King that Amaya had asked her to bring the mirror with her, and the weight of it against her belt felt like it was beginning to increase. Thankfully, Magnifico was too distracted in that moment to even notice.

"Well... My beloved Amaya sacrificed herself to free me after receiving news of our visitors. She is currently trapped within the very mirror that held me prisoner after your 'rebellion'" the King practically growled the last word, irritation filling his voice at the memory of being cast aside so easily by his people. He took a deep breath.

"I should, rightly, leave you here to deal with the invasion yourselves. You didn't want my protection when you had it, why should I give you it now?" He paused again. Asha rolled her eyes. It was clear that he was simply pausing for dramatic effect, but then, she was privy to the knowledge that the King was here to protect them. No one else knew that for certain, and the worry was obvious on their faces.

"Luckily for you all, I love my wife and she loves this Kingdom.." Magnifico finished, before turning to the guards. "Bring people into the cellars. The castle has been awash with enchantments since the day I built it. Nothing can break through these walls. Asha, come on.."

Magnifico left his 'stage' and headed out of the courtyard, down towards the docks and, after hesitating for a moment, Asha followed.
"Asha? Is it true? Did the Queen really sacrifice herself?" one of the citizens asked her, "or did the King—"
"It's true." Asha interrupted, barely paying attention. As she'd been forced to stop in her tracks, she used the moment to her advantage, her eyes scanning the crowd for her family and friends, for Marcus and Antonio, for all of the people she cared about most. She spotted her mother and Saba, who were being guided towards the castle by Simon. She was certain that the rest of her friends would be safe and sound within the kitchens.

"I'm sorry, I have to go.." Asha forced a smile, quickly running to catch up with the King. As she ran, she couldn't help but think that perhaps she should have given the mirror to her mother. Amaya wouldn't be aware of what was happening, but she'd be safe in the castle, with company. It was too late, now, to consider that, but she did feel as though she was once again betraying the King, and at the same time, putting the Queen at risk.

"Ready, Asha?" Magnifico asked as she finally caught up to him on his approach to the docks. The King was staring straight ahead, as though he was fighting the urge to look at the rubble and bodies that littered their path, and Asha got a sense that he was too afraid to look in case sadness should displace his rage. Asha, however, couldn't help but look. The sight was horrific, and the guilt of causing it gnawed away at her as she glanced around. Her eyes fell on one of the fallen and she let out a gasp. She recognised the woman. She'd been the one to receive her wish on Saba's 100th birthday. Sania Osman, the woman who had wanted to make the most beautiful dresses in the land, the woman whose latest design had been delivered to Queen Amaya only days earlier, now lay dead at Asha's feet.

"Asha.." she looked up to see Magnifico had turned and walked back to her. How long had she been staring at Sania's lifeless body that he'd managed to approach her without her even noticing?
"Asha, there will be time to mourn later. And we will. But right now.." he sighed softly, glancing back at his castle, his thoughts drifting to Amaya before he looked over his fallen people and the broken buildings destroyed by cannon fire.
"Right now, we need to make sure that there aren't more people to mourn. We have a Kingdom to defend."

Pressure - A Wish SequelWhere stories live. Discover now