Their Happy Ending

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Magnifico watched with a soft smile as Asha's wand flicked, the banners she was hanging draping nicely over the columns of the courtyard. She'd been his apprentice for a few months now, and when she focused, he could actually see the potential in her. Normally, Magnifico would leave decorating the castle to his wife. Amaya was much better at it, after all, but he was still insisting on Amaya taking things easy, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get Asha to practice her precision and control of magic.

"A little higher, I think" Magnifico smirked, seeing the irritated face of the teenager. Despite them healing their relationship, Magnifico did enjoy winding her up at times. Asha, of course, gave as good as she got.

"I think it's fine." She rolled her eyes, slipping her wand back into her belt and bending down to scoop up the young goat pacing around her feet.
"What do you think, Valentino?"

"I think it needs to be a little higher" The goat looked up at the banner and Asha pulled a face, dropping him unceremoniously.

"I don't like it when you two gang up on me."

"I think it's time to talk about the Wishes" Asha said quietly as she followed Magnifico back into the castle, trailing behind him as they made their way up the grand staircase, Valentino at her heel. They had left the courtyard fully decorated for their grand event, an informal banquet for the people of Rosas to celebrate the Kingdom being fully rebuilt and to commemorate the half-year mark since the day War came.

"Asha.." Magnifico sighed, pausing to look at her. So far, they had made a point of not talking about the Wishes. At first, it was because Magnifico didn't want to insist on dealing with the subject, fearing everyone would assume he had returned to his wish-hoarding ways. But as time had passed, and he'd realised that things weren't going to be as simple as they had been when he'd protected them all, the topic had become the elephant in the room, always hanging over them, never talked about.
"Alright. Let's discuss it."

Knowing that he couldn't put the conversation off longer, Magnifico led Asha to his study, but the moment they entered, he was met with the sight of Queen Amaya dressed in her thinner summer gown, balanced on a small ladder, stacking books, and all thoughts of the wishes were pushed out of his head.

"Mi Reina, what are you doing? I told you to leave those.." Magnifico moved across the room with some urgency. Amaya rolled her eyes playfully, stepping down from the ladder

"Someone needs to. Your study is still a mess.."

"Well, it shouldn't be you.." Magnifico pulled Amaya close, kissing her softly on the lips.

"I could do it." Asha said softly, leaning against one of the bookshelves, "At least the physical book stacking. You should be taking it easy, your majesty."

Amaya smiled warmly at Asha, shaking her head.
"Thank you Asha, but..."
"No buts. Thank you, Asha." The King smiled, before looking back at his wife, brushing his fingers over her cheek.
"She's right, my love. You should be taking it easy.."
"I'm fine. I'm perfectly capable of stacking a few books."

Magnifico chuckled, glancing at Asha.

"Do you see what I have to deal with? Even pregnant, my wife refuses to rest." He shook his head, his hand moving to lightly touch the Queen's stomach where the tiny bump was beginning to show before bending to his knees before her.

"What am I going to do about your Mama, huh, little one?" The King grinned, pressing a soft kiss to Amaya's bump through her dress.

Asha smiled awkwardly, feeling as though she was interrupting an intimate moment.

"Right," Magnifico rose to his feet, turning back to his apprentice.
"Let's discuss these Wishes, Asha."

"I'll.. leave you two to it" Amaya smiled and moved towards the door, but Magnifico grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving.
"Actually, I'd like you to stay."

Pressure - A Wish SequelWhere stories live. Discover now