It's Control

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"Amaya... what did you do?" Magnifico asked, trembling as he continued to hold Amaya's face in his hands, his eyes burning as he held back tears at the sight of green in her beautiful hues. He knew Amaya well enough to know that she wouldn't have given in to Forbidden Magic to save herself. Even faced with the prospect of an eternity locked away inside that awful void, his loving Amaya would never give in to darkness for selfish reasons.

So, something must have happened. Something that wore down his wife to the point where she broke. He couldn't bear the idea of her going through that, of her feeling so alone, so isolated, that she bowed to the Forbidden Magic like it wanted.

"What happened with the war?"

"It's over. I won. Amaya, my darling, what did you do?" He asked again. He wasn't going to let her distract him with other topics. They would have time for those later when she was herself again.
"Baby.. what did you do?" He asked again, anger in his eyes. But it wasn't Amaya that he was angry at. It was the entity that believed it had the right to possess her, to take her from him.

"I did it for you.." Amaya said softly, her eyes looking at him in adoration, yet not quite full of the warmth she usually held for him.

"For me? What do you-"

A look of panic washed over Amaya's face as she pulled away from Magnifico's hold. It was abrupt and surprised him enough to stop him in the middle of his question, and instead, he just stared at her while she tried to move around him, to inspect his back.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She asked, her fingers pawing lightly at his back, the memory of each puncture that she'd been forced to witness washing over her as she shuddered. Magnifico watched her. The words spilling from her, the expression on her face, both of them were her. His Amaya. But there was something less graceful in her movements, and less delicate in her way of inspecting him.

"Amaya, my love, I'm fine. Come here.." Magnifico held his hand out for her but the green in her eyes unnerved him. He could easily forget that his wife was possessed, because truthfully he was just happy to have her at his side again. Both of them out of the mirror, their Kingdom safe again.

But no, he needed to do something about this, because he knew the battle that must be raging in her head, the same battle that had raged in his own. Worse even. He had been strong and the magic had been weak, drained from centuries trapped within the pages of a book.

He remembered the slimy feel as the evil entity used him for its own devices, made him speak words he'd never say, and do things he'd never do. Never in his darkest nightmares would he hurt or threaten his wife, the woman he would do anything to protect, the woman he had built Rosas to keep safe, and yet the magic had made him do both and he had been too weak to stop it.

Amaya had been with it for hours, worn down to the point where she'd given in and let it take over. The magic was stronger now, freed from the book long enough to regain its full power, powerful enough to escape the mirror once it had a vessel in which to do so. He dreaded to think what the magic wanted from her, what it was going to make her do.

"Mi rey.. where were you going?" Amaya asked the question again, and he shook his head. He wasn't about to tell Amaya that he'd lost control and nearly ended the lives of all of their citizens due to his grief at losing her.

"I was going to announce the good news about the war being over to our people." He said softly, brushing the backs of his fingers lightly down Amaya's cheek.

"Our people.." Amaya repeated, a dark look crossing her face. "Our people who defeated you with a ridiculous song? Who trapped you in the mirror and stole back their wishes? Hm, yes, let's go and see our people.."

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