Prologue: Resurrection

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????: Ever wonder what's it's like to stare down certain death?


A flashback shows Y/N robotnik using chaos control to teleport the black comet into the Ark eclipse cannons line of fire.

????: To stare down with the reaper knowing your lifes about to come to and end and your unable to anything but accept it?

Y/N smiles as the cannon open fires sending a beam of energy towards the comet. The young hero accepts his fate closes his eyes as the comet is obliterated by the laser. The flashback ends cutting to Y/N walking through the island landscape with his guard up ready for an ambush from any directions.

Y/N: I know what's it was like and to be honest with you I SHOULD be dead I SHOULD'VE died then and there......but guess the emeralds thought otherwise.

Another flashback shows the seven chaos emeralds glowing brightly as Y/N was engulfed by the laser. He is then teleported away from the exploding comet and is bought to the island and appears in a clearing before he reverts from his super form and six of the seven chaos emeralds scatter throughout the island. Y/N screams in pain holding his right arm which was blown off by the laser while blood gushed from a gash on his face.

Y/N: But doesn't mean I got out completely unscaved.

The camera then focuses on Y/N's metal arm and then the scar across his left eye.

Y/N: Yeah it was painful to say the least and it took a while for me to build an arm to replace the one that was lost.

Y/N takes the red chaos emerald from his cloak and looks at it.

Y/N: At first I didn't understand why the emeralds sent me here to this island specifically. They could have transported me to anywhere on the planet but they sent me here.

BD-1 who was standing on Y/N's shoulder jumps down and runs towards a wall that showed carved images of a weird alien race with what looked to be the master emerald.

BD-1: (Excited beep)

Y/N: Whatcha find buddy?

BD-1 scans the wall trying to find any new info on the unknown species.

Y/N: Didn't take long for me to figure out why though. Me and BD have discovered ancient texts and carvings with a alien race of unknown origins. More importantly they seem to have been in possession of the chaos emeralds long before the echidna tribe gained possession of them.

The camera zooms in on a carving of a group of aliens looking up to a large moon like planet above them.

Y/N: Could it be that they were the ones to create the emeralds and if they were what happened to them? Why did they need to create such powerful artifacts? Where did they come from and if they went extinct.....just what killed them off?

The music becomes ominous when the camera focused on the "moon" sculpted into the wall. It then pans back to Y/N who gently picks up his droid partner.

Y/N: You have idea what that planet is buddy?

BD beeps in the negative.

Y/N: Ah well. It's weird though it's definitely not the black comet it's more of a moon. Was it considered a god to this race who they worshiped? Or was it something they feared which wiped them out? Did they suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs?

BD-1: (Beeps curiously)

Y/N: Yeah buddy I'm just as stumped as you.

Y/N then finds another carving this time showing four large mech like machines with each having a figure standing on top of them.

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