Metal madness

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Y/N, sage, Sonia and the others had gathered outside the base. In Y/N's hand was the red chaos emerald he handed over the gem to the blue blur who was more then happy to take the gem.

Y/N: If you have any chance of beating the titans Sonia then you'll this.

Sonia: Thanks Y/N.

Sage: But won't that mean you'll be unable to use their power?

Y/N: For now sage no but I won't need them.

Y/N then flashes his sword.

Y/N: This is more then enough and once mecha Godzilla goes online the other titans are as good as scrap.

Y/N turns to whisper and the others.

Y/N: The rest of you will search the island for the other chaos emeralds the sooner we find them the sooner we can free Amy and the others.

Tangle: Yes sir!

Tangle does a salute before she and whisper run off.

Sally: Don't worry Amy we'll get you out...I promise.

Amy: Thank you sally.

Sally, Nicole and sticks head out leaving Y/N with sage, Amy and Sonia.

Sage: I need to check on father I must make sure he is safe. It is a part of my programming.

Y/N: Of course sage oh and when you see him tell him I said hi.

Sage: Will do...I love you brother.

Y/N: Love you too sage.

Sage teleports back into cyberspace to check on eggman.

Sonia: Guess it's just us now.

Y/N: Yep. You and Amy go on ahead I'll continue my search for the emeralds and try to piece out just what is going on on this island.

Amy: Be safe Y/N.

Sonia: Don't you play dead on us again okay?

Y/N: Don't worry this time thier isn't any comet to blow up.

Sonia: (Snickers) Don't you mean piss on?

Y/N: Your never going to let me live that down will you?

Sonia: What do you think?

Y/N sighs as Sonia speeds off followed by Amy. BD-1 looks at his creator confused.

BD-1: (Beeps weirdly)

Y/N: It's nothing BD nothing at all.

Y/N walks ahead as the camera pans up to the moon which had been blown apart.

And how did get blown up you may ask?


Y/N: I've come to make an announcement. Sonia the hedgehog's a bitch ass motherfucker.

End of flashback

I'm sure you can piece it all together.

As Y/N walked into the distance his metal counterpart watched him from a distance his visor glowed as he stalked his prey.

Y/N trekked across the island searching for the remaining emeralds. BD helped by scanning the area detecting any energy signatures.

Y/N: Found anything bud?

BD shakes his head in the negative.

Y/N: Damn we gotta find something though we just gotta keep looking.

Y/N kept on going with a iron strong resolve pushing on sword in hand. Sonia was counting on him to find the emeralds without them she'll stand no chance against the titans.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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