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No one's POV:

It was a normal day at the Two Stud Camp, despite having aliens come and try to dominate the place, it... Didn't happen? Huh, Spud! Was...Happy, not seeing that annoying and evil green cat that ruined him, ruined his life. He was happy, yet, felt suspicious. Gnarpy of course wouldn't leave Spud! Alone, especially when xe wants to take over the camp, xe will never stop until xe gets what xe wants. Stubborn, annoying, evil cat.

But this was... Different, Spud! Doesn't care whatsoever so he left it alone, actually feeling happy without that cat. Maybe he could roast marshmallows with the friendly woman named Sarah, he then walked up to her and asks, "Hey...Spud...Wanna roast... Marshmallow..? Spud spud..." He speaks, Sarah then looked at him and nodded as she smiled "Of course! Fra- I mean, Spud!" She says happily, both of them went to the campfire to roast some marshmallows.

It was peaceful.

Too peaceful.


Pest was at the subway, having his hands on his pockets, and his pockets where obviously empty, he was planning into mugging someone, maybe someone with a familiar face...Who knows? Then, a party horn was heard from the corner. Pest already knew it was...Them.

Poob, a happy sunshine that is dumb, a dumb, dumb, idiot. Pest hated them, he hates how annoying they are, he hates how loud they get, he hates their smile, their stupid laugh when he does something stupid or embarrassing...He wants them to just...Leave him. But for some reason, they don't. It's annoying.

"Haii Pest!!!" Poob smiled, Pest looked at them bluntly and rolled his eyes "Hi." He said coldly, "Wat r u going 2 do today?" They say happily, curious, Pest then sighed, "Mind your own business" "Awh, fine :[" Poob frowns a bit but they smiled quickly


The elevator came, before Pest could say anything, Poob cheerfully said "C'mon! Let's go PartyGu- i mean! Pest!" Poob says, Party who now..?? Was that Poob's another friend? God this idiot gets more friends?, Pest thought as he rolled his eyes and followed them.

He was still curious...Who was this party guy that Poob mistakenly calls them that? Does Poob remind them of them?? Do I look like them?? Do i sound like them?? Whatever. This is no value into overthinking...But curiosity keeps on creeping in... It's best for him to ignore it, right? Right.

The elevator door then closed.

(Meanwhile, again)

Bive was writing on her desk, questioning the questions known as... "Why does Gregoriah accidentally press the flood button?? Are they planning something?!?!", "Why are the mannequins EVERYWHERE??? Hiding from their worst enemy.??? THE CLOWNS?!", "WHY IS SPLIT SO PRETTY?!?! THE GOVERNMENT IS KEEPING HER HOSTAGE!!??!" These questions was on her mind, she was twitching and shaking ALOT. She itched her hair as she kept on writing.

Then, she heard a noise.

She snapped her head to the left where the noise is from her apartment. She then saw nothing but got suspicious... "SHOW YOURSELF, CLOWN!! OR THE GOVERNMENT!!!" She shouted, Obviously scared but tries her best to stay strong,

Silence filled in the room as there wasn't an answer, then, she immediately went to the elevator as she pressed the button, she panicked. She thought there might be something after her...Finally, the elevator dinged and found Pest and Poob in.

"Haii Bive-"

Poob got shaked by Bive since she was stressed, Pest then separated her from Poob. "That's enough, who is they that You are crazily talking about." He asks sternly as Poob just blew their partyhorn (That was random idk why im smiling and giggling)

"THE....THE...WAIT! COULD IT BE THE RED EYE THING FROM OUR DREAMS?!?!" Bive shouted as Pest flinched, he was always aware about her but shrugged it off. "What? No. Let's talk about it later." "Wat dream?" Poon asks as Pest stayed quiet about but Bive didn't, "THE WHITE BARRET THING!!! SHE'S BEEN TRYING TO CONTROL US ALL!!! WE ARE ALL DOOMED IF SHE'S OUT!!" Bive shouted as she shrudder anxiously, "O, i don kno dat!" "Because you shouldn't." Pest says as Poob tilted their head

The elevator then door closed.

(Time skip)

It's been 5 days without Gnarpy, and everyone noticed it, Spud! was obviously having the best 5 days and nights ever, but Bive got suspicious and decided to investigate, with her crush of course! Split! Bive and Spilt where in the elevator, as the elevator door closed, Bive looked around and walked to Spilt "SPLit!!! Have you noticed?!" "Notice what?" "GNARPY!!! Xey've been missing for 5 DAYS!!! Isn't that suspicious???" Split then thought for a while and nodded "Yeah, that is weird...No wonder Spud! Was less upset." She says as Bive looked at her directly "What if...We went to investigate???" "Ooooh! That caught my eyes peeled open!" She joked, Bive was about to panic and taking it seriously until she got the joke "Aha....Hehe...HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!" Bive laughed hysterically, actually finding it funny, Split smiled, happy to make people happy.

"Then, let's start our investigation TOMORROW!!!" Bive says in an excited tone, as Spilt nodded "Okay! I'm in!"

I'm actually starting to like this ALOT, cuz i find it silly lol

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