"The Waiting Room."

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This is basically a 4 hours break buttt...ALSO THIS IS MY AU, DON'T YOU DARE JUMP AT ME. GHRRRR 😡😡😡 /jj enjoy!

Bive then banged on the wall, desperately wanting to be out, she's been here for 3 days already. She can't be here. She doesn't want what it feels like being trapped anymore. She thought she was already free. She NEEDS to get out. Wallter tried to calm her down but she wouldn't listen. Bive then calmed down and started to have her 5th mental breakdown before she could go back banging to the wall again, having her hopes up and down. "Bive..You should..Spud, calm down.." Spud says as Gnarpy hissed at him "NO! WE'VE BEEN ZTUCK HERE FOR A WEEKZ!!!--" "A week for you." Pest says bluntly, as Gnarpy growled at him for cutting off xeir sentence "ZHUT IT YOU ZTUPID BUG!! Anywayz, WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HEREZ!!!" Gnarpy says with a hiss as Pest sighed, looking at Infected who is just dead worried for Lampert. Mach in the other hand was worried for Pilby. Hoping they're okay. Wallter on the other hand just got here a day ago, the same with Pest. Everyone at this point was worried, except for Unpleasant. Who was oddly calm and quiet. "WHY IZN'T THE UGLY GRADIENT GLORP TALKING??" Gnarpy says loudly as Unpleasant sighed and shrugged, "Lo0k, I don't th1nk ther3's a w4y out." Unpleasant says, everyone else looked at her and shook their head "We can't give up right now! There has to be a way.." Wallter says, getting worried. Pest doesn't seem to care at least and just sat where he is silently. "B3sides, what 3lse do w3 do??" Unpleasant says as Wallter thought "I don't know...What if we're dead and we can..Come back!" Wallter says as Infected jumped in to the convo "L1k3...R3sp4wn1ng?? <_<" Infected asked as Wallter nodded, Unpleasant sighed and looked away "...I'm n0t 3ven sure 1f we C4N get resp4wned." Unpleasant says as DrRETRO sighed "Meow, meow mreow meow...hiss? (We don't have much of a choice..Do we?)" She meowed, everyone is loosing hope, Wallter tries his best to be positive as he could. Thinking there's a way out. But...Everything seems so..Hopeless.

Suddenly, Prototype and Scag appeared and everyone was surprised

"Prototype! Scag!" Wallter says in surprise as the both looked around, everything was a white void like box. "Chat where are we--" Scag says as Prototype tries to adjust his senses and looked around "Huh...? What KZZT-an unfamiliar place!.." Prototype says as DrRETRO explained "meow mrow meow meaow. Hiss meow. (This is The Waiting Room. The voice told us.)" Prototype then scanned the places if it has anything to help everyone of them out. But before he could, he was question bombed by Bive and the others

"Did thoze lozerz FINALLY found a way out??"
"Please tell me Mark is okay!"
"L4mp3rt 1s st1ll th3r3, r1ght?! >M<'"
"Did th3y fin4lly know 4 way fr0m 4ll of thi$?"
"Is Pilby fine?!"
"Is everyone saved..? Spud, spud.."

"I-- ZZT-- I guess i can tell you how's everyone back to that place.." Prototype says as he carried Scag and tries to process everything that he witnessed and observed, everyone waited as Prototype started.

"Bive, everything's is going a bit more closer till the end since there's only 6 survivors left. I'm pretty sure Poob knows what to do."

Bive stood silent and those words started to sunk on her head "...PoOB?" Bive says as Prototype continued

"Gnarpy, everything is still on.. Progress. I'm not sure."

Gnarpy huffed and crossed xeir arms. The answer wasn't what they expected and is disappointed and annoyed.

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