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As they were ready to take a break, they instead got teleported into a pool like place "Woaa?! Swimmin 4 break???" Poob says, getting excited as Lampert mumbled a "Kasper would've loved this...." Quietly and looked away, Mark noticed this and sighs, the same with Wallter.

"Yes. But, it's also your challenge for later. Swim around, it'll be your last time having fun with a swimming pool."

The voice says menacingly as everyone was randomly got their swimsuits on, actually starting to have some fun. Or so they thought...

"Canonball!!! :D" Poob jumped down to the water happily and can able to swim. Lampert didn't swim, not wanting to get wet, Split decided to swim and talk to Lampert. Pilby doesn't know how to swim, they used a floaty instead, Prototype and Scag refused and kept an eye to the others. Mark doesn't want his skin to rot so he instead sat on the edge and let his stand touch the water instead, Wallter could not swim since she is at least over 2000 pounds and would drown. Pest...Can't swim. Stag beetles like him cannot swim and would most like drown, despite him being some sort of a beetle-Guest hybrid thing...Pest did not and would refuse to swim. Most likely afraid of water since he is beetle trained. Pest can use a floatie but he would look stupid using it, he decided to do the same thing what Mark did and looked over at Poob, happily swimming. This made Poob notice him and decided to call him out "Hey! Pestie!! Come 2 da watr!" Poob shouted and Pest shook his head, Poob knew why and decided to tease. "Cmooonn!!! Don b scard abt da watr!!" Poob teased as Pest got a bit embarrassed "I'm not scared..-" "U look liek u r!" Poob then swim to him and grabbed his legs "Wait!!- Poob, you don't-!" Poob then dragged him down as Pest immediately as he shrieked and clung into them "SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" Pest shouted which made Poob laugh "I knew u were scared!!" Poob laughs and teased as Pest just clinged into them "This is so fucking embarrassing i hate it, i hate it, Poob i will fucking break you face istg...." Pest thought angrily as Poob noticed him looking away and muttering "Heeeyy...I wuz juz jokng!!! :'[" Poob says as Pest shouted "BRING ME BACK!!! NOW!" "Not yet!! Plss!!! x(" Poob whined as this became a playful fight. "PartyNoob...!! I will NOT hesitate to break your FUCKING FACE!!!!" Pest shouted as Poob inhaled and went into the water with Pest, making Pest shriek, Pest was still clinging into Poob as Poob got out of the water, coughing and catching some breaths, Pest just stayed with them instead, it wasn't THAT bad but it was terrifying for a non-trained swimmer for Pest. Despite Poob is getting scolded, they're having alot of fun with messing around.

As Poob and Pest were play fighting, Lampert and Split was discussing normally, both of them are still deppresed into losing the people the loved and cared about. Both of them lost a person that they didn't got a chance to say goodbye, didn't got a chance to at least express their true feelings about them, They didn't even get to see them for one last time. Split and Lampert's moods was getting s bit better, though the previous mood still lingered around their heads. It was... Unpleasant. As they were talking the voice's speaker randomly went on. Is it time?? No, I don't think so.

"I have forgotten to send one of you guys here."

Then...The voice teleported Fleshcousin in here as everyone got surprised "Fleshcousin! Wait, we actually forgot about it.." Split says out of surprise. Lampert was actually also surprised but it was great without it, Fleshcousin then turned to Lampert and went up to him. It looked at him while tilting it's head "...What." Lampert got creeped out by this and Fleshcousin then started to pace around the pool place, as it finished doing so.. Fleshcousin then spoke "Me, myself and i see cannot infectious." It rambled as Lampert already knew what it meant. The word "Infectious" was obviously Kasper. Fleshcousin was been following him, it seems like Fleshcousin didn't knew that Infected..Died. Especially when Fleshcousin was there, It doesn't understand anything about the situation they're in. Lampert sighs and looked away before speaking "He died. The previous challenge killed him." Lampert says as Fleshcousin then looked at him for a second and sat next to him, slightly making a grumble/groaning noise, probably upset. Lampert sighs as Split saddened of seeing the sight of Fleshcousin being upset. Lampert and Split continued as Fleshcousin just listened to them silently

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