"A stone Problem."

101 1 16

Last side-story: Mach and DrRETRO are discussing about MR once again. They went to DrRETRO's place, The Gumball floor.

DrRETRO x Mach will arrive here. :3

DrRETRO waited for Mach to come and meet them at her Place/Floor, right behind the gumball machine. DrRETRO then heard the elevator dinged and footsteps, but...It sounded like two people are walking. DrRETRO then saw Mach and Pilby, DrRETRO tilted her head at the sight of Pilby and spoke "Mrew meow? (What's Pilbs doing here?)" DrRETRO asked politely as Mach simply replied, "They want to join." DrRETRO nodded as she lead the two to a single table with two chairs with a candle lit up. Pilby took a note of this and wondered what's with the romantic scenery. "Take a seat, Mach! Pilby, you can have the chair over there." DrRETRO says in English as Mach was a bit surprised. "You can speak English?" Mach asked,
"Of course, sugar!" DrRETRO says as Mach was flattered by the name that DrRETRO uses. Mach then sat to the opposite direction where DrRETRO was as Pilby sat on the side. Being on the middle. "...About MR." DrRETRO says as Mach tilted her head up. "What's with the sudden serious start?"

"...I have a strange feeling." DrRETRO says, fidgeting her hands. "It's just that..- MR is using it's telepathy ability on me." DrRETRO says, stressed a bit. "Huh. Yeah, continue.." "It has been saying things like...Poob knows and Mark!" DrRETRO says as she continued. "Ans Pilby, Split, Lampert and... Fleshcousin?.. I'm seriously confused." DrRETRO says as Pilby tensed up a bit, remembering everything. Flashbacks was shown as they sighed, they looked at Mach as Mach looked back at them. "Pilby, huh?" Mach says as DrRETRO nodded.

"...I wouldn't let that stupid rock hurt them." Mach says as she stood up but DrRETRO stopped her. "Wait!" "Hm?" DrRETRO managed to stop her by grabbing Mach's arm and wrapped it around. "Let's... Think about it first.." "..But..- Fine." Mach says with a slight huff as DrRETRO smiled and lets go of her arm. "Okay, first. Pilby, has anything happen lately, sugar?" DrRETRO asked as Mach added, "Also, Pilby, i am quiet worried about you since the last 5 days. You've been crying. What's going on?" Mach says in a worried tone as DrRETRO took a mental note of this. "I..Uhhnmm..." Pilby thought on what to say. "..It's just- i got lost..Honk.. :0(" Pilby says as Mach raised a brow. "Lost? How?" "Not suree...But, uhhh...It was Poob's place and i went to this door andd..Uhnmm.." Pilby started to stutter as Mach placed a hand on their shoulders to reassure them. "Let's talk about that later. DrRETRO, we should ask the others." "Who?" "I dunno. Poob, Mark, Split, yadda-yadda." Mach says in a slight sarcasm as DrRETRO slight broke a chuckle to it. "Okay, okay.. Let's find them. Pilby can join." DrRETRO says as Pilby smiled at her.

The three went to ask them and here's the replies.

DrRETRO: Poob! Sugar!
Poob: ouh! Hii! :3
DrRETRO: Has anything happened today?
[DrRETRO asked as Poob glanced at Pilby for a sec, Pilby gave them that (They're implying the situation we're once in.) look.]
Poob: Noo!~ :D
Mach: Are you sure?
Poob: Positve! :P
DrRETRO: Alright then..

[DrRETRO and the others left.]
Mach: Wooden guy.
Mark: Heya! That's me! Yer wooden man, har har!
[Mark chuckled]
Pilby: Has anything happened?..
Mark: Eh? Why are ye askin? We both know about thee...
[Mark trailed off]
Mark: Eerr.. Headache! Yea...Headache..
DrRETRO: Well ..Are there any voices that is been bothering you lately?
Mark: Nope! Juz a headache!
DrRETRO: Well, uh, thanks i guess..
Mark: Yer welcom!

[The three left.]
Split, Lampert and Infected;
Split: Oh! Hello! 'Feeline' fine right there doc? Kinda tensed up..
DrRETRO: Been through something.
Mach: Anyways, any weird voices on y'all's heads?
Lampert: Eerr...No. Been fine.
Infected: M3 t00! ^0^
Lampert: No you're not. You're sick.
Infected: But 1'm f33l1ng f1n3! >M<
Lampert: With that runny nose? I highly doubt.
[The two starts to bicker.]

[The three left.]
DrRETRO: Fleshcousin!
Fleshcousin: Catnip roll and flow to the ground greeting it's.
DrRETRO: Eerr..-
Mach: Has anything else happened the past few days?
Fleshcousin: ...Guuhhhrrkk..
[Fleshcousin groaned]
DrRETRO: ...I guess that's a no.
Pilby: Let's just..Uh..Leave. :0(
Mach: Right.

[The three left.]

The three tried asking the others but none of them had anything wrong. They'd then stared to ask..

Folly: What are you fools needs to seek for me?
DrRETRO: Just a question, sugar!
Folly: ...
Mach: Has anything happened today.
Folly: Not in particular...But, i guess I've been quiet.. Observant.
Pilby: Can you uh... Tell us?.. :0(
[Folly chuckled darkly.]
Folly: I won't let you fools receive any informations..
Mach: I guess I'll take you down.
DrRETRO: No! Let's just...End this.
Folly: I appreciate that, 'sugar'.
[Folly mocked as Mach felt a strange jealousy and annoyance towards Folly.]

[The three left.]

DrRETRO sat on the chair, the same with the two. "Let's just.. rest." DrRETRO says as Mach nodded, Pilby placed their head down on the table as DrRETRO and Mach sat in a comfortable silence.

"...So, how's your day today?" DrRETRO asked. "It's been fine, doc. The same ol'" Mach says as DrRETRO leans in a bit. "Say..I find you quiet... interesting." DrRETRO says as Mach looked at her. "As in..?" "In a good way!" DrRETRO says as she continued. "You're really pretty." She says boldly as Mach nearly choked on air. "I..-" Mach paused and cleared her throat. "Thank you, you..- you too." Mach says in a slight shy voice as DrRETRO smiled at her.

This teasing banter continued as Pilby rested from the intense situation. And finally.. They're at peace.

Or are they..?
977 words!

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