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It's around noon on Friday when I get a knock on my door. As I'm getting up they keep knocking like crazy? Like girl okay I'm coming.
The second I see who's at my door it makes so much sense. It's Miu iruma, holding up a paper to my face.

"BITCH I TEXTED YOU LIKE TWENTY MILLON TIMES!!!!" She screams as she pushes the paper in my chest for me to grab. "My phone is shut off remember, because I yelled at a nurse or something??" I reply while grabbing the paper and looking at it. It's a list of names grouped together.

Gonta, Miu, and Kiibo.

Tenko, Angie, Kirumi, and Himiko.

Korekiyo, Ryoma, and Rantaro.

Shuichi, Kaede, Kaito, and Maki.

"What the fuck is this, a hit list?" I say looking up to her after reading the paper. "DUMBASS ITS THE GROUPS FOR THE SHOPPING TRIP TOMORROW!!!" She says hitting the top of my head. "Oh yeah!! It's like I would want to remember what your whore ass says!!!" I reply sarcastically. "UGH, just write your name with one of the groups before the end of the day and give the paper back to me so I can post it in the group chat for the trip." She says with a serious..ish... tone.

Wait. They have a group chat??

"Wait what group chat?" I ask. Her eyes shot open before she quickly says "Oh I'm just talking about a group chat we'll make tomorrow!! Anyway bye slut!!!" As she slowly gets closer to hide behind the doorframe before slamming the door.

That whore is horrible at hiding secrets I swear.
Like girl, it's SO easy to lie about that, but it wouldn't have worked on me either way.

Why wouldn't they put me in the group chat? I mean I don't have a lot of peoples number but I have Shuichis' and Kirumis number!

I decide to ask Shuichi about it since kirumis helping the nurses out today.

I walk up to his door and knock. I hear a faint come in then open the door. When I open the door I see Not only Shuichi, but Kaede, Maki, and Kaito too. Wrong time I guess?

"Why are you here?" Kaito asks, clearly annoyed. "I just wanted to ask Shuichi something really quick." I reply staring at Shuichi and hoping he says to step outside because I'd rather not talk about this infront of the others. Kaito smiles at me as if he's won a game of uno before Shuichi says "Oh sure come in Kokichi!" He replies with a smile, to which Kaito turns his head in surpise.

"Umm, I would rather we stepped outside." I say trying not to make this more awkward than it already is. "Oh okay, go I'll be there in a minute!" He says getting up from his chair. I step outside and think about what the fuck just happened.

I'm just glad Shuichi is so nice about stuff. I'm glad he gave me a second chance, the more I've gotten to know him and Kaede the more I've started to like them.

The door opens and Shuichi walks outside. "So what's up?" He says closing the door behind him. 
Now that he's been so nice I feel bad getting mad at him about this. Maybe I can try to be more nice about to too. "Hey so, I heard from someone that you all have a group chat, but I'm not in it? It sounds stupid since my phones taken away for a bit but still, I was wondering what's up with that." I say trying to sound like I'm not mad, for some reason I can never control how my tone comes off unless I'm lying about it.

"Oh yeah! I suggested adding you awhile ago but nobody really answered, so I didn't know if It was a good idea." He replies. It sounds genuine enough, and I know he wouldn't lie about something stupid like that like Miu. "Ohh okay! I just didn't wanna miss out I guess." I mumble the last part a bit so he doesn't hear it that well.

"Oh I did have a question for you, well, two." He says with his finger in the air like he just solved a riddle or something. "Yeah what's up?" I reply.
"Okay so one, which group are you going with for the shopping trip tomorrow, and two, how are you gonna stay in contact with everyone without your phone?" He asks. I didn't really think about the phone thing. Maybe the nurses will give it back for something like that? "Oh I haven't decided a group yet, and I'm not sure about the phone thing." I reply. He immediately lights up like a dog and says "You should be in my group! Me and Kaede have been wanting to hang out with you more!"

I'm kinda surprised since everyone seemed to hate me in the game, which is understandable I was kinda an asshole. I'm glad I've gotten better mentally though and that I have friends now, it's nice.

"Sure, but are you sure Kaito won't mind? He seemed kinda.. off.. about me showing up. Me and him haven't talked at all and I don't know if he knows I've gotten better." I ask pausing every few words.

"I'm sure he won't mind after me and Kaede tell him about how we've been hanging out with you recently, don't worry about it Kich!"

KICH??? "Kich??" I ask with shock literally imprinted on my face. "OH SORRY!!" He apologies and starts to literally tremble. I can tell he's not sad just embarrassed.

"It's fine I don't mind nicknames, feels nice to know you think of me Shumai!" I teased him a bit.

We hear Kaito laugh super loud from the room, bringing us back to reality. "I better go back in, I'll talk to Kaito about the group thing right now since Kaede's there anyway." He says backing up to the door. "Okay, just text me if it's a yes before tomorrow or Miu will literally kill me." I giggle a bit. He waves "Bye Kich." "Bye shumai!" I wave back while he goes back in and closes the door.

I think about that whole interaction on the walk back to my room. It feels like he called me Kich on accident, but that could just be me looking way into things. He was acting so strange though, not the part about him acting nice, he's always nice. He seemed more nervous than normal? Like he's normally kinda socially awkward or shy or whatever you wanna call it but he's never that shy around me until now and-

My thought process is interrupted by a nurse walking out of my room. "Oh Kokichi! Someone talked to some of the nurses for you to get your phone back, so I put it in your room." Who the hell?? Why would someone do that and who? "Who talked to them?" I ask. "Miu iruma, why?" She reply's, looking puzzled. "Oh nothing, I was just curious."

I was probably overthinking the Shuichi thing anyway.

I walk into my room and see my phone laying on the bed. I grab it almost immediately and check my notifications.

One notification.

Added to "CLASS 53RD (the best)" by Shuichi Saihara.

HI GUYS!!!!!
I decided you all deserved a pretty long chapter compared to my others as sorry in advance if I take long to update again after this chapter (since I'm planning to read the Nana mangas)

Anyway, I hope you guys all like this chapter!!!
I really like it and want to start testing out using less "He said after blah blah" and just have back and forth talking like the part where Kokichi and Shuichi said bye to eachother
("Bye kich." "Bye shumai")
But if you don't like that and would rather keep my normal writing style tell me!

also don't be afraid to comment on my stories, my favorite thing is when you guys comment since I love knowing ur thoughts on things / reactions to what characters say!

I've yapped too much so that's  all from me, bye bye!! :3

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