Last week

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Today I woke up very early, around 6:45am, to the sound of a lot of people talking outside.
I get up and walk out of my room and the first thing I see is the whole class huddled in a group?

As I'm walking up to them, I see Kokichi come out of his room. "Hey Kokichi! How's your morning so far?" I say walking towards him.

"Ughhhh why is everyone being so fucking loud!" He has an annoyed tone and sounds like he just woke up, I don't think he's even noticed me yet.
He turns and looks at me, and looks startled

"Oh hi Shuichi!" He tries to play it off as if I barely got there. "Hey! Do you know why everyone's huddled up" I ask turning to the class still in the corner. "I don't know bro I just—" He tries to reply before he gets cut off by someone screaming.

"FUCKK YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Miu screams as her arms dart into the air. Me and Kokichi walk up to everyone and ask what's going on.

"Okay so like we, aka me, had this brilliant plan to go shopping as a group before we move into our apartments next week!" Miu exclaimed, basically yelling into our ears.

"Though we needed the nurses permission, so ryoma volunteered to ask until—" Rantaro continues to explain, before someone else cuts him off. "Tenko wanted to race there, which woke everyone else up!" Angie said in an annoyed tone. Everyone else besides Rantaro, Miu, Ryoma, Tenko, and Kiibo were in pajamas. So I'm assuming they were also woken up by those five.

"Wait we're moving out next week?" Kokichi asks coming from behind me.

"YUPPPP!!!! Can't wait to decorate my own apartment!" Miu says ecstatically.  Kokichi looks around, taking in the scenery I assume. "So it's our last week here? I was just getting used to this place COME ONNN" He yells and stomps off back to his room.

I guess he isn't one to like change?

I want to get more information on the day we go shopping since I notice Kaito, and now Kokichi, are both missing, and I don't want them to miss out. I'm not surprised Kaitos still asleep considering he sleeps like a tank.

Literally nothing wakes up that man. We've tried.

The date for the shopping spree was voted by the group to be on Saturday, so we have 2 days until we go to decide groups we'll split up in. At least if you're not counting today or Saturday.

Since it's so early I decide to get some breakfast from the cafeteria with a few others I haven't talked too in awhile. I get a sandwich but realize once I'm already sitting down, that it has tomato's, so now I can't eat the whole thing and have to go get something else.

I walk back and grab another sandwich, closely inspecting the ingredients before grabbing one with ham, lettuce, and white cheese. Once I sit back down I start talking to Himiko.

It felt nice talking to her again, we haven't spoken since the very end of the game. I noticed a lot of people didn't like her based on posts I've seen scattered around, so I hope she hasn't gotten affected by it. She's a really sweet and caring friend, it would be a shame if those posts hurt her.

Me and her have a conversation about little things that were strange about us before the game that have changed now. She thought it was funny she was so into magic, but before the game, she didn't even understand normal party tricks. I talked about how I wasn't quite social in the game, but at my old middle school I was quite popular.

It's nice to have so many people who have gone through the same experience as me, even though it was painful and traumatic, there were still good things like my friends.

By the time me and Himiko finish talking, we realize everyone else has left. It wasn't many people anyway, only Gonta and Korekiyo.

Himiko decides to go take a nap because she was tired. I waved goodbye I checked the time.
It was 8:36am, so I decide to take a quick nap since I don't have much to do today.

Hiii guys!!!!!!
this part is pretty short since what would be one chapter is going to be split in two povs, so sorry abt that😞
I'll probably write more starting next week but I hope you guys enjoyed this!!!
Also TYSM FOR 1.11K READS???
I love u all sm and I'm very glad u guys also like my story!!!
I do want to mention again just real quick that
I'm planning for this to be a very long fic so there might be times uploading is slower because I don't know what to do as a filler, in which I might ask u guys for ideas!!!

One last thing before I go!!!

Even though both Kokichi n Shuichi r 19+ in this book, I will NOTTT be writing smut or any 18+ content. There might be hints to it but it makes me really uncomfortable to write that stuff😭 so if ur looking for that, this fic is not for you!!!

Anyway again tysm for 1.11k reads and I hope you all have a good day/night!!!

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