XV: An Uneasy Alliance

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Uanok's heavy footsteps pounded the dirt path as he charged toward the three human strangers. His rage overflowed from him like ale poured poorly into a mug. His mind raced, recalling memories from his youth of human marauders attacking the tribe, slaughtering all they could in an attempt to wipe the goliath race out. He remembered the hate and disdain of humans that was taught to him by those in the tribe. He recalled seeing his own mother be killed right in front of him by a man wearing armor similar to the one that stood on the path in front of him. He roared a deep, angry barbarian roar, then he felt something grab his leg. Uanok, in his rage filled fervor, crashed to the ground in a huge puff of dust that kicked up from the pathway. He choked and coughed out the dust that filled his lungs, nose and throat, and tried to regain some of his composure. He looked down at his feet and saw a thick, root-like wooden vine wrapped around his ankles. He struggled against the vine, but every attempt to kick the thing away ended in failure. He gritted his teeth and look at the three humans down the path. Two of them had weapons drawn, and the third one, the woman, was doubled over in a fit of boisterous laughter.

"Apologies for my friend here. He's not too fond of strangers." Drakarax said, slowly walking up the path towards the three strangers.

"Stop, they'll-" Uanok struggled, reaching out toward the Dragonborn. He didn't realize that the druid was the summoner of the vine until Drakarax moved his hand toward it and the vine slowly unraveled its grip on Uanok's legs. Uanok laid there on the ground for a moment, before springing back up from the ground and continuing his charge toward the strangers again. Drakarax sighed, pulling a staff carved from a tree limb from his back and tripping the goliath before he could take another step forward. Uanok fell face down in the dirt again, cursing under his breath as he coughed more dust from his dry throat.

"Stay down, you angry fool." Drakarax ordered the barbarian. Uanok snarled as the woman roared again in her obnoxious laughter.

"Must not be too fond of humans, eh?" The armored human said to Drakarax.

"I'll skin you alive and-" Uanok began to yell.  Drakarax conjured a sleep spell in his hand and thrust it at the goliath. He struggled against the spell until it eventually took effect, sending the barbarian into a deep slumber.

"A thousand pardons. I just brought him back from the brink of death, but didn't have the time to teach him any manners." Drakarax laughed. He took in a deep breath, and his nose burned at the woman's perfume. It stung his nose when he'd first smelt it, but now it assaulted his entire being. Tears welled up in his eyes and he blinked them away.

"Gods woman, do you bathe in whatever perfume you wear?" Drakarax cursed, trying to regain his senses. He coughed and sneezed and hacked away until his senses calmed.

"So the people's stories were right. The Draconic Druid, in the flesh." One of the strangers said. Drakarax laughed at the preposterous title.

"The Draconic Druid, eh? Can't say I've heard that one before." He laughed. He inhaled again, trying to avoid a nose full of the woman's perfume. He picked up on a new scent that he hadn't before through the oiled metal and perfume. Whoever the smell came from was obviously of elven blood, but something was different about it. They smelled both elven and human, and Drakarax could smell the dyes used the coloring of their clothing.

"So, I ask again, who goes there?" Drakarax asked, holding his hands out toward the strangers.

"I am Sibin Zelik, Paladin of Coreth." The first man said proudly. Drakarax smelled the metal on Sibin as he stepped forward a bit.

"I'm Jerod Helas." The second man said. As this one stepped forward, the mix of elf and man smell wafted strongly from his direction.

"And the perfumed one?" Drakarax questioned.

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