XIX: The Grand Meeting

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Hegasi remained sitting next to the grave of his twin as the rest of the party gathered and began to move out of the clearing. Ithrigard stopped next to the grave, giving the elf a mournful glance. He met her gaze, his face remained stoic and emotionless.

"I wish to stay here a little longer. Go ahead without me. I will catch up with you all later." Hegasi murmured, his voice choked with grief. Ithrigard nodded to him, knowing all too well the grief of losing family. Donny walked to the sitting elf, holding something in his hand, he raised it toward Hegasi. The elf opened his hand, and Donny placed something metal, heavy and cold in his hand. It was one of metal knuckles that Varest had stolen from the smith the day prior. Hegasi looked up at the dwarf, who gave him a warm smile as.

"Figured ye' would've wanted somethin' to remember." Donny said.

"Where is the other one?" Hegasi asked after remembering the knuckles came in a set of two.

"It's buried with him. He wears it on his left hand." Donny said, lifting his pack over his shoulder and strapping it across his chest. He winced as the leather strap pressed against the cut on his chest, then he smiled once more at Hegasi, turned and walked away. Ithrigard stayed a moment longer than the rest, still watching Hegasi. He looked at her, confused as to why she was lingering behind as the group followed the game trail back to the road.

"I'm sorry, Hegasi. I hope you don't blame me for his death." Ithrigard said softly, before turning and heading through the forest. Hegasi lowered his head, examining the metal knuckles mindlessly. He searched through his feelings, knowing he didn't blame the cleric for his brother's death. While she was a healer, she was put into a hard position of healing herself versus healing Varest. As much as it pained Hegasi to admit, Ithrigard was more useful to the group than either Varest and himself put together. The elf twins were young, only being 55 years old, which was still considered a child by elven standards. They both lacked skills in fighting, in magic, even in survival. Both twins pampered throughout their short lives, as they grew up with nobel parents in the city of Myth Andor, one of the largest wood elf settlements in the shared kingdom of Sevarta. The city had been destroyed by a goblin attack, leaving the Terrin family dead, save for the twins. They managed to escape the burning city alive, with only the clothes on their backs. After a few days of wandering in the wilderness, a band of goblins and their orc leader found the two and captured them. They were placed in chains, along with the Master Lumin, Frena and Donny, and marched toward the temple of Mylak.

As morning's light shined across the mountain, Voldroken, Drakarax and the rest of the party were gathered in the huge tent, along with four other elders that sat on the stage. Voldroken, still leaning a considerable amount of his weight on his staff, climbed the stage and stood in front of the elders. Zalidahl had sworn his service to the party's cause, and he was excited at the new prospect of adventure. The elder hadn't left the mountain in over 40 years, and he was ready for a new chapter of his life to begin. Voldroken spoke to the elders in a hushed tone, barely above a whisper. He nodded toward them as the five conversed, until eventually, he turned and descended from the stage, then walked to Drakarax.

"The elders will remain here. If I return, we will continue as we were. If I do not, Elder Xandani will be named Grand Master, and will inherit my duties. Such as is confirmed by the ancestral spirits that dwell with us today." Voldroken said to the Dragonborn in the group. Drakarax and Zalidahl both nodded, understanding that the formality that was taking place was necessary when a grand elder is granted a trial by their ancestors. Voldroken looked around the group, his good eye landed on the strange looking goliath with his snow white skin that was decorated with black tattoos, the white dire wolf cloak that hung from his shoulders, and the distinct lack of weapon on the goliath's person. Uanok noticed the grand elder staring at him and wrinkled his nose at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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