XVII: The Shattered Clan

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Jerod watched in utter confusion at the blind druid that led their group perfectly along the winding trails through the forest. Drakarax, with a long wooden staff in one hand and his flute in the other, walked along the trails as if he had a map drawn on the inside of his eyelids. He was counting, smacking the bottom of his staff against trees and rocks and occasionally passing a breath through his flute and stopping to listen as the note played across the surroundings. Uanok was behind Jerod, clopping along mindlessly like a two legged horse. Sylvana followed Uanok, still keeping as silent as she had been the entire time. Sibin brought up the rear of the party, his chainmail undersuit shaking and making a clattering noise against the metal armor he wore over it. Jerod continued to watch Drakarax as he stepped over rocks, roots and other obstacles in the trail that would send a less attentive person to the ground. Eventually, Jerod began to notice notches dug into tree bark where Drakarax would hit his staff against. On every tree or boulder that was hit was an indentation where it looked like they had been hit thousands of times. He also began to realize that the counting Drakarax was doing was matched the gate at which he walked. Every step he made was counted. It was only then did Jerod realize how the druid was guiding them so easily. He walked these trails so many times, he'd memorized every tree, boulder, bend and the exact amount of steps it took him to reach certain landmarks.

"Incredible.." Jerod muttered under his breath.

"Hmm? What is it, Jerod?" Drakarax asked, stopping and turning around to face the ranger.

"I was confused as to how you were leading us with your blindness, but I just realized you've literally memorized every detail about this trail." Jerod said. Drakarax laughed and planted the base his staff into the dirt.

"My friend, I have been wandering this forest for more than a decade. Some of these trails were created by me, and I've walked them so many times that the forest itself has opened the path." Drakarax laughed proudly. He turned back around and began walking again, continuing his counting exactly where he had left off.

"What about the flute?" Jerod asked after a few minutes of walking.

"I like to hear the reaction from the birds when they hear the flute. They respond with their own songs and it fills the forest with a quiet melody that echos across every leaf." Drakarax said quietly, stopping and blowing a few notes on the flute. Jerod listened intently, and heard the quiet tweets from songbirds high in the forest above, singing their songs in response to the druid's flute.

The group walked for another hour until they decided to stop for a small rest. They had been walking all day so far, and the time sat about two hours after midday. They gathered near a stream that ran through the forest, it's clear, clean water soothed their dry throats and filled their canteens and water skins for the journey ahead. Sibin, who stood leaning against a tree, watched as Drakarax stepped away from the group and into the forest. He looked around and saw that no one else had noticed the druid take his leave. Uanok from the stream like a dog drinks from a bowl of water, Sylvana sat in the ground against a tree, resting her eyes and Jerod sat on a stump, whittling a chunk of wood. Sibin closed his eyes and opened his mind, feeling a touch of radiant energy from the direction in which Drakarax had went. A few moments later, the Dragonborn returned to the group, a certain aura radiated from him. Strangely, Drakarax stepped past everyone and walked straight up to Sibin, stopping just in front of him.

"Paladin." Drakarax whispered.

"Yes, Drakarax?" Sibin answered, matching the druid's hushed voice.

"I understand that with your deity-given abilities, you are able to detect certain energies, correct?" Drakarax asked.

"I can." Sibin muttered, not sure whether to say anymore.

"Do you sense both good and evil energies, or just energy as a whole?" Drakarax asked, leaning closer and speaking in a near whisper.

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